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Tigerama, Festivities Set For Homecoming

Tigerama, Festivities Set For Homecoming

Sept. 24, 2003

The 47th annual Tigerama is Friday, October 10th on Homecoming weekend at 7:30 pm in the newly refurbished and friendly confines of Littlejohn Coliseum. The theme is “Where the Tigers Play.” This is an “all-Clemson” Tigerama with skits, Tiger Band, Rally Cats, Cheerleaders, Tigeroar, Pershing Rifles, the Crowning of Miss Homecoming, President Barker, and other Clemson features, comedy, and prizes.

The two campus organizations with the largest number of members in attendance will win a $500 cash prize. Families with the largest number of Clemson graduates and those who have traveled the greatest distance by automobile to attend Tigerama will also receive a prize.

The Tigerama program will be compressed into a just over a two-hour show. The emcees for the evening are Mickey Plyler, a sports talk-show host with WCCP-FM in Clemson and Bubba Britton of the Tiger Tailgate Show. Bubba’s latest well-known endeavor was ESPN “Beg, Borrow, and Deal.” Tigerama will feature continuous action and sights. Fireworks will be displayed outside following the singing of the alma mater in Littlejohn.

Tickets are $5.00 in advance and $6.00 at the Littlejohn gate. Tickets are being sold at the following locations:

  • Department of Athletics Ticket Office next to the IPTAY Office at the Stadium 8:00-4:30 weekdays
  • Clemson Alumni Office in the Alumni Center 8:00-4:30 weekdays (cash or check)
  • Hendrix Student Center Information Desk 8:00-5:00 weekdays
  • Clemson Bookstore in the Hendrix Student Center during Bookstore Hours each day of the week Monday through Sunday.
  • The University Union Information Desk 8:00-5:00 (credit card or Tiger Stripe)

The 2003 Tigerama Director is Michael Reidenbach, a senior from Isle of Palms, SC. The Assistant Director is Emily Andersen, a junior from Rock Hill, SC. Michael’s email is

TWO EVENTS LEADING UP TO 2003 TIGERAMA The Tigerama Comedy Search: Blue Key is conducting the Tigerama Comedy Search on Sept 24th at 7:30 pm in the Poole and Shanklin Room in the Clemson House. This is an attempt to highlight the hidden talents and humorous side of our student body. It is open to individual, ensembles, improvisational groups, and the wide range of creative talents at this “higher seminary of learning.” This is a new feature to conduct a campus-wide talent search for funny people and acts. Winners will perform at Tigerama between skits and other features.

The Pre-Tigerama Carnival on the lawn of Littlejohn Another special feature of the Tigerama evening is the Pre-Tigerama Carnival at 5:00-7:00 held on the east lawn area of Littlejohn Coliseum next to the bronze tiger. A pep rally atmosphere with the Clemson Cheerleaders, Flying Tiger Parachute Team (skydivers), Tiger Twirlers, inflatable toys for kids, glow-ropes, novelties, hot dogs and drinks, music, T-shirt sales, and Clemson talent will be featured in this meeting place for family and friends.

Blue Key has held the line on ticket prices for Tigerama in the face of rising costs for a production of this magnitude. Blue Key welcomes sponsorships for this program. The proceeds are used to benefit students with $1,000 scholarships through the Tigerama Endowment. For further information, please contact the Blue Key Advisors Dr. Chris Sieverdes (656-0196) and Rusty Guill (656-0935).
