Wednesday 02/16/2011
Feb. 16, 2011
WHEN: April 15-17, 2011Note: Beginning in 2011 the Fantasy Camp will be held every other year. The next camp will be in April, 2013!
WHO: Adults men and women, twenty-one years of age or older, who simply have a passion for Tiger football. Roster is limited to 50 total players & honorary coaches and legends. Football Fantasy Camp participants generally range in age from mid-20’s to 70’s; include alumni and fans, with an average age of around 45 years. They come from all professions, walks of life and parts of the country. Many have played high school football, but many have not. Some are good athletes, while others are not. They all simply love Clemson!!!
WHY: Fantasy Camp is designed for the Tiger fan who really wants to get inside the football program as never offered before. How else can you meet the coaching staff, learn how they coach, and then get coached on the field? How else could you get to know and share time with former star players and legends?
WHERE: On Clemson University’s campus, Clemson, S.C. You will have access to all the football facilities, many of which are off-limits to the general public. Only Fantasy Camp players and Varsity student athletes get to dress in the Death Valley home locker room, have team meetings and eat team meals in the West End Zone, practice on the adjoining fields, play in Death Valley, take the game-day bus ride from the Locker Room-around the stadium to Howard’s Rock and Run down the hill with Coach Swinney.
Click on the link below to view camp details and pricing information:Dabo’s All In Team Foundation 2011 Fantasy Camp Flyer
September 10, 2024
September 9, 2024