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NC State vs Clemson (Sep 13, 2008)

Scoring Summary

                            Scoring Summary (Final)
                            The Automated ScoreBook
             NC State vs #23 Clemson (Sep 13, 2008 at Clemson, SC)

                    NC State (1-2,0-1) vs. Clemson (2-1,1-0)
Date: Sep 13, 2008  Site: Clemson, SC           Stadium: Memorial Stadium
Attendance: 76500

Score by Quarters     1  2  3  4   Score
-----------------    -- -- -- --   -----
NC State............  6  0  3  0  -  9
Clemson.............  7 10  0 10  - 27

Scoring Summary:
1st 14:53 ST - Irving, N. 33 yd interception return (Czajkowski, J. kick blockd)
                                                                                 ST 6 - CU 0
    10:28 CU - Jacoby Ford 16 yd pass from Cullen Harper (Mark Buchholz kick)
                                                    9 plays, 76 yards, TOP 4:21, ST 6 - CU 7
2nd 10:39 CU - Mark Buchholz 22 yd field goal
                                                   8 plays, 62 yards, TOP 3:26, ST 6 - CU 10
    08:03 CU - C.J. Spiller 28 yd pass from Cullen Harper (Mark Buchholz kick)
                                                   2 plays, 59 yards, TOP 0:23, ST 6 - CU 17
3rd 01:01 ST - Czajkowski, J. 22 yd field goal
                                                  13 plays, 73 yards, TOP 6:13, ST 9 - CU 17
4th 13:21 CU - Mark Buchholz 31 yd field goal
                                                   8 plays, 34 yards, TOP 2:35, ST 9 - CU 20
    01:21 CU - C.J. Spiller 12 yd run (Mark Buchholz kick)
                                                  13 plays, 96 yards, TOP 8:07, ST 9 - CU 27

Kickoff time: 12:10 PM  End of Game: 3:10 PM   Total elapsed time: 3:00
Officials: Referee: Ron Cherry; Umpire: Tom Laverty; Linesman: Troy Gray;
Line judge: Rick Page; Back judge: Pat Ryan; Field judge: Chris Brown;
Side judge: Watts Key;
Temperature: 91 deg    Wind: Calm      Weather: Sunny

Team Statistics

                            Team Statistics (Final)
                            The Automated ScoreBook
             NC State vs #23 Clemson (Sep 13, 2008 at Clemson, SC)

                                     ST       CU

FIRST DOWNS...................       20       22
  Rushing.....................        8        8
  Passing.....................        9       13
  Penalty.....................        3        1
NET YARDS RUSHING.............      136      166
  Rushing Attempts............       39       29
  Average Per Rush............      3.5      5.7
  Rushing Touchdowns..........        0        1
  Yards Gained Rushing........      156      176
  Yards Lost Rushing..........       20       10
NET YARDS PASSING.............      152      262
  Completions-Attempts-Int....  15-29-2  20-28-1
  Average Per Attempt.........      5.2      9.4
  Average Per Completion......     10.1     13.1
  Passing Touchdowns..........        0        2
TOTAL OFFENSE YARDS...........      288      428
  Total offense plays.........       68       57
  Average Gain Per Play.......      4.2      7.5
Fumbles: Number-Lost..........      1-0      1-1
Penalties: Number-Yards.......     7-40     7-75
PUNTS-YARDS...................    5-167    3-143
  Average Yards Per Punt......     33.4     47.7
  Net Yards Per Punt..........     32.0     43.3
  Inside 20...................        1        2
  50+ Yards...................        0        2
  Touchbacks..................        0        0
  Fair catch..................        2        0
KICKOFFS-YARDS................    3-131    6-409
  Average Yards Per Kickoff...     43.7     68.2
  Net Yards Per Kickoff.......     31.7     46.7
  Touchbacks..................        0        1
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD.   2-13-0    1-7-0
  Average Per Return..........      6.5      7.0
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD  5-109-0   2-36-0
  Average Per Return..........     21.8     18.0
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD..   1-33-1   2-71-0
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD.    0-0-0    0-0-0
Miscellaneous Yards...........        0        0
Possession Time...............    32:57    27:03
  1st Quarter.................     9:15     5:45
  2nd Quarter.................     6:57     8:03
  3rd Quarter.................    11:31     3:29
  4th Quarter.................     5:14     9:46
Third-Down Conversions........  7 of 17   4 of 9
Fourth-Down Conversions.......   1 of 1   0 of 0
Red-Zone Scores-Chances.......      1-2      4-4
Sacks By: Number-Yards........      0-0     2-14
PAT Kicks.....................      0-1      3-3
Field Goals...................      1-2      2-2

Individual Statistics

                                 Individual Statistics (Final)
                                    The Automated ScoreBook
                     NC State vs #23 Clemson (Sep 13, 2008 at Clemson, SC)

NC State

Rushing              No Gain Loss  Net TD Lg  Avg
Brown, A.            14   67    3   64  0 14  4.6
Underwood, C.        11   49    3   46  0 15  4.2
Wilson, R.           13   40   14   26  0  9  2.0
Beck, H.              1    0    0    0  0  0  0.0
Totals...            39  156   20  136  0 15  3.5

Passing              Att-Cmp-Int Yds TD Long Sack
Wilson, R.             21-10-1    92  0   30    2
Beck, H.                8-5-1     60  0   18    0
Totals...              29-15-2   152  0   30    2

Receiving             No.  Yds   TD Long
Brown, A.               4   51    0   30
Bryan, G.               3   32    0   15
Underwood, C.           3   18    0   12
Spencer, O.             2    7    0    4
Weaver, E.              1   18    0   18
Graham, T.              1   16    0   16
Williams, J.            1   10    0   10
Totals...              15  152    0   30

Punting               No.  Yds   Avg Long In20   TB
Pierson, B.             5  167  33.4   49    1    0
Totals...               5  167  33.4   49    1    0

                       Punts   Kickoffs  Intercept
All Returns          No.Yds.Lg No.Yds.Lg No.Yds.Lg
Graham, T.            2  13 14  5 109 25  0   0  0
Irving, N.            0   0  0  0   0  0  1  33 33
Totals...             2  13 14  5 109 25  1  33 33

Field goal attempts
Czajkowski, J.       3rd 09:42  25 yds - Missed
Czajkowski, J.       3rd 01:01  22 yds - Good

Kickoffs         No.  Yds  TB  OB   Avg
Pierson, B.        3  131   0   0  43.7


Rushing              No Gain Loss  Net TD Lg  Avg
C.J. Spiller         10   64    3   61  1 12  6.1
Jacoby Ford           2   48    0   48  0 30 24.0
James Davis          14   41    7   34  0 10  2.4
Cullen Harper         2   19    0   19  0 11  9.5
Marquan Jones         1    4    0    4  0  4  4.0
Totals...            29  176   10  166  1 30  5.7

Passing              Att-Cmp-Int Yds TD Long Sack
Cullen Harper          28-20-1   262  2   31    0
Totals...              28-20-1   262  2   31    0

Receiving             No.  Yds   TD Long
Aaron Kelly             7   94    0   31
Jacoby Ford             6  106    1   28
C.J. Spiller            4   35    1   28
Tyler Grisham           2   26    0   22
James Davis             1    1    0    1
Totals...              20  262    2   31

Punting               No.  Yds   Avg Long In20   TB
Jimmy Maners            3  143  47.7   53    2    0
Totals...               3  143  47.7   53    2    0

                       Punts   Kickoffs  Intercept
All Returns          No.Yds.Lg No.Yds.Lg No.Yds.Lg
C.J. Spiller          1   7  7  1  25 25  0   0  0
Crezdon Butler        0   0  0  0   0  0  1   0  0
Chad Diehl            0   0  0  1  11 11  0   0  0
Chris Chancellor      0   0  0  0   0  0  1  71 71
Totals...             1   7  7  2  36 25  2  71 71

Field goal attempts
Mark Buchholz        2nd 10:39  22 yds - Good
Mark Buchholz        4th 13:21  31 yds - Good

Kickoffs         No.  Yds  TB  OB   Avg
Buchholz, M        6  409   1   0  68.2

FUMBLES: NC State-Wilson, R. 1-0. Clemson-Cullen Harper 1-1.

Drive Chart

                                      Drive Chart (Final)
                                    The Automated ScoreBook
                     NC State vs #23 Clemson (Sep 13, 2008 at Clemson, SC)

                 Drive Started             Drive Ended             Consumed
Team     Qtr Spot Time   Obtained      Spot Time   How Lost      Pl-Yds   TOP 
ST       1st C00  14:53  Interception  C00  14:53 *TOUCHDOWN      0-0    0:00
ST       1st N20  10:28  Kickoff       N40  05:22  Punt           9-20   5:06
ST       1st N04  04:09  Punt          N25  14:05  Punt           7-21   5:04
ST       2nd N27  10:32  Kickoff       N21  08:26  Punt           3--6   2:06
ST       2nd N17  07:58  Kickoff       C45  05:05  Punt           6-38   2:53
ST       2nd N48  03:14  Punt          C48  02:23  Punt           3-4    0:51
ST       3rd N24  14:53  Kickoff       C08  09:42  Missed FG     12-68   5:11#
ST       3rd N22  07:14  Fumble        C05  01:01 *FIELD GOAL    13-73   6:13#
ST       4th N29  13:15  Kickoff       C44  09:28  Interception   9-27   3:47
ST       4th N23  01:09  Kickoff       C24  00:00  Interception   6-53   1:09

CU       1st C28  15:00  Kickoff       C28  14:53  Interception   1-0    0:07
CU       1st C24  14:49  Kickoff       N00  10:28 *TOUCHDOWN      9-76   4:21#
CU       1st C43  05:22  Punt          C46  04:09  Punt           3-3    1:13
CU       2nd C33  14:05  Punt          N05  10:39 *FIELD GOAL     8-62   3:26#
CU       2nd C41  08:26  Punt          N00  08:03 *TOUCHDOWN      2-59   0:23
CU       2nd C23  05:05  Punt          C26  03:14  Punt           3-3    1:51
CU       2nd C08  02:23  Punt          C40  00:52  Punt           7-32   1:31
CU       2nd C30  00:52  Punt          C30  00:00  End of half    2-0    0:52
CU       3rd C20  09:42  Missed FG     N22  07:14  Fumble         5-58   2:28
CU       3rd N47  00:56  Kickoff       N13  13:21 *FIELD GOAL     8-34   2:35#
CU       4th C04  09:28  Interception  N00  01:21 *TOUCHDOWN     13-96   8:07#
CU       4th N29  00:00  Interception  N29  00:00  End of half    0-0    0:00

ST                        1st   2nd   3rd   4th     1st   2nd       
                          Qtr   Qtr   Qtr   Qtr    Half  Half  Total
Time of possession       09:15 06:57 11:31 05:14   16:12 16:45 32:57
3rd Down Conversions      3/4   0/4   2/6   2/3     3/8   4/9   7/17
Avg Field Position        N12   N30   N23   N26     N23   N24   N23
4th Down Conversions      0/0   0/0   1/1   0/0     0/0   1/1   1/1

CU                        1st   2nd   3rd   4th     1st   2nd       
                          Qtr   Qtr   Qtr   Qtr    Half  Half  Total
Time of possession       05:45 08:03 03:29 09:46   13:48 13:15 27:03
3rd Down Conversions      1/2   0/3   0/0   3/4     1/5   3/4   4/9
Avg Field Position        C31   C27   C36   C04     C28   C25   C27
4th Down Conversions      0/0   0/0   0/0   0/0     0/0   0/0   0/0

                                    Drive Chart (By Quarter)

                 Drive Started             Drive Ended             Consumed
Team     Qtr Spot Time   Obtained      Spot Time   How Lost      Pl-Yds   TOP 
CU       1st C28  15:00  Kickoff       C28  14:53  Interception   1-0    0:07
ST       1st C00  14:53  Interception  C00  14:53 *TOUCHDOWN      0-0    0:00
CU       1st C24  14:49  Kickoff       N00  10:28 *TOUCHDOWN      9-76   4:21#
ST       1st N20  10:28  Kickoff       N40  05:22  Punt           9-20   5:06
CU       1st C43  05:22  Punt          C46  04:09  Punt           3-3    1:13
ST       1st N04  04:09  Punt          N25  14:05  Punt           7-21   5:04

CU       2nd C33  14:05  Punt          N05  10:39 *FIELD GOAL     8-62   3:26#
ST       2nd N27  10:32  Kickoff       N21  08:26  Punt           3--6   2:06
CU       2nd C41  08:26  Punt          N00  08:03 *TOUCHDOWN      2-59   0:23
ST       2nd N17  07:58  Kickoff       C45  05:05  Punt           6-38   2:53
CU       2nd C23  05:05  Punt          C26  03:14  Punt           3-3    1:51
ST       2nd N48  03:14  Punt          C48  02:23  Punt           3-4    0:51
CU       2nd C08  02:23  Punt          C40  00:52  Punt           7-32   1:31
CU       2nd C30  00:52  Punt          C30  00:00  End of half    2-0    0:52

ST       3rd N24  14:53  Kickoff       C08  09:42  Missed FG     12-68   5:11#
CU       3rd C20  09:42  Missed FG     N22  07:14  Fumble         5-58   2:28
ST       3rd N22  07:14  Fumble        C05  01:01 *FIELD GOAL    13-73   6:13#
CU       3rd N47  00:56  Kickoff       N13  13:21 *FIELD GOAL     8-34   2:35#

ST       4th N29  13:15  Kickoff       C44  09:28  Interception   9-27   3:47
CU       4th C04  09:28  Interception  N00  01:21 *TOUCHDOWN     13-96   8:07#
ST       4th N23  01:09  Kickoff       C24  00:00  Interception   6-53   1:09
CU       4th N29  00:00  Interception  N29  00:00  End of half    0-0    0:00

Defensive Statistics

                                Defensive Statistics (Final)
                                  The Automated ScoreBook
                   NC State vs #23 Clemson (Sep 13, 2008 at Clemson, SC)

NC State            
## Player               Solo  Ast  Tot  TFL/Yds  FF FR-Yd Intc BrUp Blkd Sack/Yds QH
14 Neal, J.                3    4    7     .     .   .     .      1    .      .     .
49 Cash, A.                4    2    6  1.0/2    .   .     .      .    .      .     .
28 Byers, J.               3    3    6     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
56 Irving, N.              4    1    5  0.5/3    .   .    1-33    1    .      .     .
32 Simmons, J.             4    1    5     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
21 Morgan, D.              3    1    4     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
44 Michel, R.              2    2    4     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
96 Holmes, A.              1    2    3  1.0/3    .   .     .      .    .      .     .
34 Leonard, R.             1    2    3     .     .  1-0    .      .    .      .     .
98 McKeen, S.              1    2    3     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
30 Gray, J.                2    .    2     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
95 Burgess, L.             1    1    2     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
97 Young, W.               .    2    2  0.5/2    .   .     .      .    .      .     1
13 Spencer, O.             1    .    1     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
91 Kuhn, M.                1    .    1     .     1   .     .      1    .      .     .
26 Pierson, B.             1    .    1     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
41 Maddox, D.              1    .    1     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
33 George, K.              1    .    1     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
1B Goodman, R.             .    1    1     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
7A Lucas, S.               .    1    1     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
16 Wilson, R.              .    1    1     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
99 Rieskamp, J.            .    1    1     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
94 Willis Jr., K.          .    1    1     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .

## Player               Solo  Ast  Tot  TFL/Yds  FF FR-Yd Intc BrUp Blkd Sack/Yds QH
33 Kavell Conner           3    7   10     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
22 Chris Clemons           5    4    9     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
44 Scotty Cooper           1    6    7     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
25 Michael Hamlin          3    2    5  0.5/1    .   .     .      .    .      .     .
17 Stanley Hunter          2    3    5     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     3
24 Kevin Alexander         2    3    5  0.5/1    .   .     .      .    .      .     .
18 Crezdon Butler          .    5    5     .     .   .    1-0     .    .      .     .
48 Jeremy Campbell         1    3    4     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
13 Tyler Grisham           3    .    3     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
38 Chris Chancellor        2    1    3     .     .   .    1-71    .    .      .     .
36 Byron Maxwell           2    1    3     .     .   .     .      1    .      .     .
2  DeAndre McDaniel        2    1    3     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
99 Jarvis Jenkins          1    2    3  2.0/11   .   .     .      .    1   1.0/9    .
47 Josh Miller             1    2    3     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
97 Dorell Scott            .    3    3  0.5/1    .   .     .      .    .      .     .
50 Jock McKissic           .    3    3     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
90 Kourtnei Brown          .    3    3     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
29 Haydrian Lewis          1    1    2     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
98 Brandon Thompson        .    2    2  0.5/1    .   .     .      1    .      .     1
93 Da'Quan Bowers          .    2    2     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     2
89 Miguel Chavis           .    2    2     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
12 Marcus Gilchrist        1    .    1     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
40 Andre Branch            1    .    1     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
30 Chad Diehl              1    .    1     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
7  Ricky Sapp              1    .    1  1.0/5    .   .     .      .    .   1.0/5    1

Participation Report

                          Participation Report (Final)
                            The Automated ScoreBook
             NC State vs #23 Clemson (Sep 13, 2008 at Clemson, SC)

NC State                                       Clemson

POS  ## OFFENSE                                POS  ## OFFENSE
LT   73 Williams, Ju.                          LT   76 Lambert, C
LG   75 Bedics, J.                             LG   73 Smith, D
C    58 Larsen, T.                             C    65 Austin, T
RG   60 Green, M.                              RG   62 Cloy, M
RT   50 McCuller, J.                           RT   72 Walker, L
TE   84 Bryan, G.                              WR   21 Dye, X
WR   5  Williams, J.                           WR   80 Kelly, A
QB   16 Wilson, R.                             QB   10 Harper, C
RB   24 Brown, A.                              RB   1  Davis, J
FB   27 Ritcher, H.                            WR   6  Ford, J
WR   13 Spencer, O.                            WR   13 Grisham, T

POS  ## DEFENSE                                POS  ## DEFENSE
DE   98 McKeen, S.                             DE   24 Alexander, K
DT   96 Holmes, A.                             NG   97 Scott, D
DT   49 Cash, A.                               DT   99 Jenkins, J
DE   97 Young, W.                              DE   93 Bowers, D
LB   34 Leonard, R.                            LB   44 Cooper, S
LB   44 Michel, R.                             LB   17 Hunter, S
LB   56 Irving, N.                             LB   33 Conner, K
CB   21 Morgan, D.                             CB   38 Chancellor, C
S    14 Neal, J.                               SS   25 Hamlin, M
S    28 Byers, J.                              FS   22 Clemons, C
CB   30 Gray, J.                               CB   18 Butler, C

 NC State: 1B-Goodman, R., 3-Underwood, C., 6-Graham, T., 7A-Lucas, S., 9A-Weaver, E., 11-Augustin, A., 12-Beck, H., 15-Davis, D.,
 20-Ellis, D., 26-Pierson, B., 31-Floyd, B., 32-Simmons, J., 33-George, K., 36-Czajkowski, J., 38-Ruiz, J., 41-Maddox, D.,
 42-Cole, A., 47-Gentry, T., 54-Lawson, H., 57-Maurer, M., 59-Tedder, C., 61-White, M., 70-Vermiglio, J., 71-Gregory, G.,
 74-Barbee, A., 76-Crouch, C., 82-Evans, A., 85-Howard, S., 86-Smith, J., 88-James, G., 90-Clemmons, J., 91-Kuhn, M.,
 94-Willis Jr., K., 95-Burgess, L., 99-Rieskamp, J..

 Clemson: 2-McDaniel, D, 4W-Whetsell, B, 7-Sapp, R, 12-Gilchrist, M, 14-Buchholz, M, 15-Sensabaugh, C, 16-Wade, M, 26-Jones, M,
 27-Chambers, S, 28-Spiller, C, 29-Lewis, H, 30-Diehl, C, 35-Macko, P, 36-Maxwell, B, 40-Branch, A, 47-Miller, J, 48-Campbell, J,
 49-Maners, J, 50-McKissic, J, 52-Roediger, C, 55-Hutchinson, B, 57-Murchison, A, 70-Grant, J, 74-McClain, A, 82-Barry, D,
 83-Faerber, N, 84-Robinson, A, 85-Clear, Br, 86-Palmer, M, 88-Johnson, K, 89-Chavis, M, 90-Brown, Ko, 92-Nobles, K,
 98-Thompson, B.

Box Score

                               Box Score (Final)
             NC State vs #23 Clemson (Sep 13, 2008 at Clemson, SC)

Score by Quarters     1  2  3  4   Score
-----------------    -- -- -- --   -----
NC State............  6  0  3  0  -  9       Record: (1-2,0-1)
Clemson.............  7 10  0 10  - 27       Record: (2-1,1-0)

Scoring Summary:
1st 14:53 ST - Irving, N. 33 yd interception return (Czajkowski, J. kick blockd), , ST 6 - CU 0
    10:28 CU - Jacoby Ford 16 yd pass from Cullen Harper (Mark Buchholz kick), 9-76 4:21, ST 6 - CU 7
2nd 10:39 CU - Mark Buchholz 22 yd field goal, 8-62 3:26, ST 6 - CU 10
    08:03 CU - C.J. Spiller 28 yd pass from Cullen Harper (Mark Buchholz kick), 2-59 0:23, ST 6 - CU 17
3rd 01:01 ST - Czajkowski, J. 22 yd field goal, 13-73 6:13, ST 9 - CU 17
4th 13:21 CU - Mark Buchholz 31 yd field goal, 8-34 2:35, ST 9 - CU 20
    01:21 CU - C.J. Spiller 12 yd run (Mark Buchholz kick), 13-96 8:07, ST 9 - CU 27

FIRST DOWNS………………. 20 22
RUSHES-YARDS (NET)………… 39-136 29-166
PASSING YDS (NET)…………. 152 262
Passes Att-Comp-Int……….. 29-15-2 28-20-1
Fumble Returns-Yards………. 0-0 0-0
Punt Returns-Yards………… 2-13 1-7
Kickoff Returns-Yards……… 5-109 2-36
Interception Returns-Yards…. 1-33 2-71
Punts (Number-Avg)………… 5-33.4 3-47.7
Fumbles-Lost……………… 1-0 1-1
Penalties-Yards…………… 7-40 7-75
Possession Time…………… 32:57 27:03
Third-Down Conversions…….. 7 of 17 4 of 9
Fourth-Down Conversions……. 1 of 1 0 of 0
Red-Zone Scores-Chances……. 1-2 4-4
Sacks By: Number-Yards…….. 0-0 2-14

RUSHING: NC State-Brown, A. 14-64; Underwood, C. 11-46; Wilson, R. 13-26;
Beck, H. 1-0. Clemson-C.J. Spiller 10-61; Jacoby Ford 2-48; James Davis 14-34;
Cullen Harper 2-19; Marquan Jones 1-4.

PASSING: NC State-Wilson, R. 10-21-1-92; Beck, H. 5-8-1-60.
Clemson-Cullen Harper 20-28-1-262.

RECEIVING: NC State-Brown, A. 4-51; Bryan, G. 3-32; Underwood, C. 3-18;
Spencer, O. 2-7; Weaver, E. 1-18; Graham, T. 1-16; Williams, J. 1-10.
Clemson-Aaron Kelly 7-94; Jacoby Ford 6-106; C.J. Spiller 4-35; Tyler Grisham
2-26; James Davis 1-1.

INTERCEPTIONS: NC State-Irving, N. 1-33. Clemson-Chris Chancellor 1-71;
Crezdon Butler 1-0.

FUMBLES: NC State-Wilson, R. 1-0. Clemson-Cullen Harper 1-1.

Stadium: Memorial Stadium Attendance: 76500
Kickoff time: 12:10 PM End of Game: 3:10 PM Total elapsed time: 3:00
Officials: Referee: Ron Cherry; Umpire: Tom Laverty; Linesman: Troy Gray;
Line judge: Rick Page; Back judge: Pat Ryan; Field judge: Chris Brown;
Side judge: Watts Key;
Temperature: 91 deg Wind: Calm Weather: Sunny

NC State vs #23 Clemson (Sep 13, 2008 at Clemson, SC)

SACKS (UA-A): NC State-None. Clemson-Ricky Sapp 1-0; Jarvis Jenkins 1-0.

TACKLES (UA-A): NC State-Neal, J. 3-4; Cash, A. 4-2; Byers, J. 3-3;
Simmons, J. 4-1; Irving, N. 4-1; Morgan, D. 3-1; Michel, R. 2-2; Holmes, A. 1-2;
Leonard, R. 1-2; McKeen, S. 1-2; Gray, J. 2-0; Burgess, L. 1-1; Young, W. 0-2;
George, K. 1-0; Maddox, D. 1-0; Pierson, B. 1-0; Kuhn, M. 1-0; Spencer, O. 1-0;
Willis Jr., K. 0-1; Lucas, S. 0-1; Rieskamp, J. 0-1; Goodman, R. 0-1; Wilson, R.
0-1. Clemson-Kavell Conner 3-7; Chris Clemons 5-4; Scotty Cooper 1-6; Michael
Hamlin 3-2; Stanley Hunter 2-3; Kevin Alexander 2-3; Crezdon Butler 0-5; Jeremy
Campbell 1-3; Tyler Grisham 3-0; DeAndre McDaniel 2-1; Chris Chancellor 2-1;
Byron Maxwell 2-1; Josh Miller 1-2; Jarvis Jenkins 1-2; Jock McKissic 0-3;
Dorell Scott 0-3; Kourtnei Brown 0-3; Haydrian Lewis 1-1; Da’Quan Bowers 0-2;
Miguel Chavis 0-2; Brandon Thompson 0-2; Marcus Gilchrist 1-0; Ricky Sapp 1-0;
Chad Diehl 1-0; Andre Branch 1-0.

Game Starters:
NC State

LT 73 Williams, Ju.
LG 75 Bedics, J.
C 58 Larsen, T.
RG 60 Green, M.
RT 50 McCuller, J.
TE 84 Bryan, G.
WR 5 Williams, J.
QB 16 Wilson, R.
RB 24 Brown, A.
FB 27 Ritcher, H.
WR 13 Spencer, O.

DE 98 McKeen, S.
DT 96 Holmes, A.
DT 49 Cash, A.
DE 97 Young, W.
LB 34 Leonard, R.
LB 44 Michel, R.
LB 56 Irving, N.
CB 21 Morgan, D.
S 14 Neal, J.
S 28 Byers, J.
CB 30 Gray, J.


LT 76 Lambert, C
LG 73 Smith, D
C 65 Austin, T
RG 62 Cloy, M
RT 72 Walker, L
WR 21 Dye, X
WR 80 Kelly, A
QB 10 Harper, C
RB 1 Davis, J
WR 6 Ford, J
WR 13 Grisham, T

DE 24 Alexander, K
NG 97 Scott, D
DT 99 Jenkins, J
DE 93 Bowers, D
LB 44 Cooper, S
LB 17 Hunter, S
LB 33 Conner, K
CB 38 Chancellor, C
SS 25 Hamlin, M
FS 22 Clemons, C
CB 18 Butler, C

Player participation:

NC State: 1B-Goodman, R., 3-Underwood, C., 6-Graham, T., 7A-Lucas, S., 9A-Weaver, E., 11-Augustin, A., 12-Beck, H., 15-Davis, D.,
20-Ellis, D., 26-Pierson, B., 31-Floyd, B., 32-Simmons, J., 33-George, K., 36-Czajkowski, J., 38-Ruiz, J., 41-Maddox, D.,
42-Cole, A., 47-Gentry, T., 54-Lawson, H., 57-Maurer, M., 59-Tedder, C., 61-White, M., 70-Vermiglio, J., 71-Gregory, G.,
74-Barbee, A., 76-Crouch, C., 82-Evans, A., 85-Howard, S., 86-Smith, J., 88-James, G., 90-Clemmons, J., 91-Kuhn, M.,
94-Willis Jr., K., 95-Burgess, L., 99-Rieskamp, J..

Clemson: 2-McDaniel, D, 4W-Whetsell, B, 7-Sapp, R, 12-Gilchrist, M, 14-Buchholz, M, 15-Sensabaugh, C, 16-Wade, M, 26-Jones, M,
27-Chambers, S, 28-Spiller, C, 29-Lewis, H, 30-Diehl, C, 35-Macko, P, 36-Maxwell, B, 40-Branch, A, 47-Miller, J, 48-Campbell, J,
49-Maners, J, 50-McKissic, J, 52-Roediger, C, 55-Hutchinson, B, 57-Murchison, A, 70-Grant, J, 74-McClain, A, 82-Barry, D,
83-Faerber, N, 84-Robinson, A, 85-Clear, Br, 86-Palmer, M, 88-Johnson, K, 89-Chavis, M, 90-Brown, Ko, 92-Nobles, K,
98-Thompson, B.

Play-by-Play Summary

                               Play-by-Play Summary (1st quarter)
                                    The Automated ScoreBook
                     NC State vs #23 Clemson (Sep 13, 2008 at Clemson, SC)

               NC State won the coin toss and defers to the second half.
  N 1-10 N30   ST ball on ST30.

               Pierson, B. kickoff 42 yards to the CU28, fair catch by Nobles, K.
      C 1-10 C28   Harper, C pass intercepted by Irving, N. at the CU33, Irving, N. return
                   33 yards to the CU0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 14:53.
--------------- 1 plays, 0 yards, TOP 00:07 ---------------

               Czajkowski, J. kick attempt failed (blocked) (blocked by Jenkins, J).

                                     NC STATE 6, CLEMSON 0

               Pierson, B. kickoff 47 yards to the CU23, Diehl, C return 11 yards to the
               CU34, PENALTY CU illegal block 10 yards to the CU24, 1st and 10, CU
               ball on CU24.
      C 1-10 C24   CLEMSON drive start at 14:49.
      C 1-10 C24   Davis, J rush for 3 yards to the CU27 (Byers, J.;Young, W.).
      C 2-7  C27   PENALTY ST offside 5 yards to the CU32.
      C 2-2  C32   Davis, J rush for 5 yards to the CU37, 1ST DOWN CU (Morgan, D.).
      C 1-10 C37   Davis, J rush for 3 yards to the CU40 (Byers, J.).
      C 2-7  C40   Ford, J rush for 30 yards to the ST30, 1ST DOWN CU (Byers, J.).
      C 1-10 N30   Spiller, C rush for loss of 3 yards to the ST33 (Holmes, A.).
      C 2-13 N33   Harper, C pass complete to Kelly, A for 14 yards to the ST19, 1ST
                   DOWN CU (Neal, J.;Michel, R.).
      C 1-10 N19   Harper, C pass incomplete to Barry, D.
      C 2-10 N19   Davis, J rush for 3 yards to the ST16 (Irving, N.).
      C 3-7  N16   Harper, C pass complete to Ford, J for 16 yards to the ST0, 1ST DOWN
                   CU, TOUCHDOWN, clock 10:28.
                   Buchholz, M kick attempt good.

                                     NC STATE 6, CLEMSON 7

--------------- 9 plays, 76 yards, TOP 04:21 ---------------

                   Buchholz, M kickoff 70 yards to the ST0, touchback.
  N 1-10 N20   NC STATE drive start at 10:28.
  N 1-10 N20   Brown, A. rush for 2 yards to the ST22 (Scott, D;Hamlin, M).
  N 2-8  N22   Wilson, R. pass incomplete to Brown, A., dropped pass.
  N 3-8  N22   Wilson, R. rush for 9 yards to the ST31, 1ST DOWN ST (Clemons, C).
  N 1-10 N31   Wilson, R. pass complete to Underwood, C. for 4 yards to the ST35 (Hamlin,
  N 2-6  N35   Underwood, C. rush for 4 yards to the ST39 (Alexander, K).
  N 3-2  N39   Wilson, R. rush for 3 yards to the ST42, 1ST DOWN ST (Chancellor, C).
  N 1-10 N42   Brown, A. rush for 9 yards to the CU49 (Clemons, C;Cooper, S).
  N 2-1  C49   Brown, A. rush for loss of 2 yards to the ST49 (Hamlin, M;Scott, D).
  N 3-3  N49   Wilson, R. sacked for loss of 9 yards to the ST40 (Jenkins, J).
  N 4-12 N40   Pierson, B. punt 17 yards to the CU43, out-of-bounds.
--------------- 9 plays, 20 yards, TOP 05:06 ---------------

      C 1-10 C43   CLEMSON drive start at 05:22.
      C 1-10 C43   Spiller, C rush for 3 yards to the CU46 (Rieskamp, J.;Neal, J.).
      C 2-7  C46   Harper, C pass complete to Spiller, C for no gain to the CU46 (Irving,
      C 3-7  C46   Harper, C pass incomplete to Ford, J (Neal, J.).
      C 4-7  C46   Maners, J punt 50 yards to the ST4, downed.
--------------- 3 plays, 3 yards, TOP 01:13 ---------------

  N 1-10 N04   NC STATE drive start at 04:09.
  N 1-10 N04   Brown, A. rush for 14 yards to the ST18, 1ST DOWN ST (Clemons, C).
  N 1-10 N18   Wilson, R. rush for 2 yards to the ST20 (Butler, C;Brown, Ko).
  N 2-8  N20   Timeout NC State, clock 03:11.
  N 2-8  N20   PENALTY ST delay of game 5 yards to the ST15.
  N 2-13 N15   Brown, A. rush for 1 yard to the ST16 (Miller, J;Chavis, M).
  N 3-12 N16   Underwood, C. rush for 15 yards to the ST31, 1ST DOWN ST (Clemons,
  N 1-10 N31   Underwood, C. rush for 4 yards to the ST35 (Conner, K;Brown, Ko).
  N 2-6  N35   Underwood, C. rush for loss of 3 yards to the ST32 (Jenkins, J;Alexander,
  N 3-9  N32   PENALTY ST holding 10 yards to the ST22.

                                     ==END OF 1st QUARTER==
                                     NC STATE 6, CLEMSON 7

Play-by-Play Summary (2nd quarter)
  N 3-19 N22   Start of 2nd quarter, clock 15:00.
  N 3-19 N22   Wilson, R. pass complete to Brown, A. for 3 yards to the ST25 (McDaniel, D).
  N 4-16 N25   Pierson, B. punt 49 yards to the CU26, Spiller, C return 7 yards to the CU33
               (Simmons, J.;Goodman, R.).
--------------- 7 plays, 21 yards, TOP 05:04 ---------------

      C 1-10 C33   CLEMSON drive start at 14:05.
      C 1-10 C33   Davis, J rush for loss of 1 yard to the CU32 (Morgan, D.), PENALTY ST
                   offside 5 yards to the CU38, NO PLAY.
      C 1-5  C38   Spiller, C rush for 7 yards to the CU45, 1ST DOWN CU (Leonard,
                   R.;Lucas, S.).
      C 1-10 C45   Davis, J rush for 10 yards to the ST45, 1ST DOWN CU (Simmons,
      C 1-10 N45   Spiller, C rush for 4 yards to the ST41 (Neal, J.).
      C 2-6  N41   Harper, C pass complete to Ford, J for 28 yards to the ST13, 1ST DOWN
                   CU (Simmons, J.).
      C 1-10 N13   Davis, J rush for 2 yards to the ST11 (Cash, A.).
      C 2-8  N11   Harper, C pass incomplete to Palmer, M (Kuhn, M.).
      C 3-8  N11   PENALTY CU false start 5 yards to the ST16.
      C 3-13 N16   Timeout Clemson, clock 11:06.
      C 3-13 N16   Harper, C rush for 11 yards to the ST5 (Irving, N.).
      C 4-2  N05   Buchholz, M field goal attempt from 22 GOOD, clock 10:39.

                                     NC STATE 6, CLEMSON 10

--------------- 8 plays, 62 yards, TOP 03:26 ---------------

                   Buchholz, M kickoff 68 yards to the ST2, Graham, T. return 25 yards to
                   the ST27 (Butler, C;Clemons, C).
  N 1-10 N27   NC STATE drive start at 10:32.
  N 1-10 N27   Wilson, R. pass incomplete to Williams, J., QB hurry by Bowers, D.
  N 2-10 N27   Wilson, R. pass complete to Spencer, O. for 4 yards to the ST31 (Hamlin, M).
  N 3-6  N31   PENALTY ST false start 5 yards to the ST26.
  N 3-11 N26   Wilson, R. sacked for loss of 5 yards to the ST21 (Sapp, R).
  N 4-16 N21   Pierson, B. punt 39 yards to the CU40, fair catch by Ford, J.
--------------- 3 plays, minus 6 yards, TOP 02:06 ---------------

      C 1-10 C40   CLEMSON drive start at 08:26.
      C 1-10 C40   CU ball on CU41.
      C 1-10 C41   Harper, C pass complete to Kelly, A for 31 yards to the ST28, 1ST
                   DOWN CU (Morgan, D.), PENALTY ST offside declined.
      C 1-10 N28   Harper, C pass complete to Spiller, C for 28 yards to the ST0, 1ST
                   DOWN CU, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:03.
                   Buchholz, M kick attempt good.

                                     NC STATE 6, CLEMSON 17

--------------- 2 plays, 59 yards, TOP 00:23 ---------------

                   Buchholz, M kickoff 70 yards to the ST0, Graham, T. return 17 yards to
                   the ST17 (Grisham, T).
  N 1-10 N17   NC STATE drive start at 07:58.
  N 1-10 N17   Brown, A. rush for 5 yards to the ST22 (Maxwell, B;Scott, D).
  N 2-5  N22   Brown, A. rush for 7 yards to the ST29, 1ST DOWN ST (Hunter, S).
  N 1-10 N29   Beck, H. pass complete to Bryan, G. for 7 yards to the ST36 (Clemons, C),
               PENALTY CU personal foul 15 yards to the CU49, 1ST DOWN ST.
  N 1-10 C49   1st and 10.
  N 1-10 C49   Underwood, C. rush for 4 yards to the CU45 (McKissic, J;Conner, K).
  N 2-6  C45   Beck, H. rush for no gain to the CU45 (Butler, C;Alexander, K).
  N 3-6  C45   Beck, H. pass incomplete to Davis, D., QB hurry by Sapp, R.
  N 4-6  C45   Pierson, B. punt 22 yards to the CU23, out-of-bounds.
--------------- 6 plays, 38 yards, TOP 02:53 ---------------

      C 1-10 C23   CLEMSON drive start at 05:05.
      C 1-10 C23   Davis, J rush for 4 yards to the CU27 (Michel, R.).
      C 2-6  C27   Harper, C pass complete to Grisham, T for 4 yards to the CU31 (Gray,
      C 3-2  C31   Davis, J rush for loss of 5 yards to the CU26 (Irving, N.;Young, W.).
      C 4-7  C26   Maners, J punt 40 yards to the ST34, Graham, T. return 14 yards to the
                   ST48 (Diehl, C).
--------------- 3 plays, 3 yards, TOP 01:51 ---------------

  N 1-10 N48   NC STATE drive start at 03:14.
  N 1-10 N48   Wilson, R. rush for 4 yards to the CU48 (McKissic, J;Alexander, K).
  N 2-6  C48   Wilson, R. pass incomplete to Spencer, O., QB hurry by Hunter, S.
  N 3-6  C48   Wilson, R. pass incomplete to Bryan, G., QB hurry by Bowers, D.
  N 4-6  C48   Pierson, B. punt 40 yards to the CU8, fair catch by Ford, J.
--------------- 3 plays, 4 yards, TOP 00:51 ---------------

      C 1-10 C08   CLEMSON drive start at 02:23.
      C 1-10 C08   Harper, C pass incomplete to Spiller, C.
      C 2-10 C08   Harper, C pass complete to Kelly, A for 14 yards to the CU22, 1ST
                   DOWN CU (George, K.).
      C 1-10 C22   Harper, C pass complete to Spiller, C for 2 yards to the CU24 (Irving,
      C 2-8  C24   Timeout Clemson, clock 01:36.
      C 2-8  C24   Harper, C pass complete to Ford, J for 10 yards to the CU34, 1ST DOWN
                   CU (Gray, J.).
      C 1-10 C34   Harper, C pass incomplete to Kelly, A, QB hurry by Young, W..
      C 2-10 C34   Harper, C pass complete to Spiller, C for 5 yards to the CU39 (Leonard,
      C 3-5  C39   Timeout Clemson, clock 01:12.
      C 3-5  C39   Harper, C pass complete to Davis, J for 1 yard to the CU40 (Morgan, D.).
      C 4-4  C40   Maners, J punt 53 yards to the ST7, Graham, T. return -1 yards to the
                   ST6 (Maxwell, B).
--------------- 7 plays, 32 yards, TOP 01:31 ---------------

  N 1-10 N06   NC STATE drive start at 00:52.
  N 1-10 N06   Brown, A. rush for 6 yards to the ST12 (Gilchrist, M).
  N 2-4  N12   Brown, A. rush for 4 yards to the ST16, 1ST DOWN ST (Conner, K).
  N 1-10 N16   End of half, clock 00:00.

                                     ==END OF 2nd QUARTER==
                                     NC STATE 6, CLEMSON 17

Play-by-Play Summary (3rd quarter)
  N 1-10 N16   Start of 3rd quarter, clock 15:00.
  N 1-10 N16   CU ball on CU30.
--------------- 2 plays, 0 yards, TOP 00:52 ---------------

                   Buchholz, M kickoff 68 yards to the ST2, Graham, T. return 22 yards to
                   the ST24 (Grisham, T).
  N 1-10 N24   NC STATE drive start at 14:53.
  N 1-10 N24   Brown, A. rush for 5 yards to the ST29 (Bowers, D;Cooper, S).
  N 2-5  N29   Wilson, R. pass incomplete to Clemmons, J..
  N 3-5  N29   Wilson, R. pass complete to Brown, A. for 30 yards to the CU41, 1ST DOWN
               ST (Clemons, C;Butler, C).
  N 1-10 C41   Underwood, C. rush for 3 yards to the CU38 (Maxwell, B).
  N 2-7  C38   PENALTY ST false start 5 yards to the CU43.
  N 2-12 C43   Wilson, R. pass incomplete to Graham, T. (Maxwell, B).
  N 3-12 C43   Wilson, R. rush for 4 yards to the CU39 (Bowers, D;Conner, K), PENALTY CU
               personal foul 15 yards to the CU24, 1ST DOWN ST.
  N 1-10 C24   1st and 10.
  N 1-10 C24   Brown, A. rush for 3 yards to the CU21 (Chavis, M;McKissic, J).
  N 2-7  C21   Brown, A. rush for 8 yards to the CU13, 1ST DOWN ST (Cooper,
               S;Hunter, S).
  N 1-10 C13   Brown, A. rush for 3 yards to the CU10 (Hunter, S;Campbell, J).
  N 2-7  C10   Fumble by Wilson, R., Wilson, R. rush for 2 yards to the CU8 (Clemons, C).
  N 3-5  C08   Wilson, R. pass incomplete, QB hurry by Hunter, S.
  N 4-5  C08   Czajkowski, J. field goal attempt from 25 MISSED - wide left, spot at CU20,
               clock 09:42.
--------------- 12 plays, 68 yards, TOP 05:11 ---------------

      C 1-10 C20   CLEMSON drive start at 09:42.
      C 1-10 C20   Davis, J rush for loss of 2 yards to the CU18 (Cash, A.).
      C 2-12 C18   Harper, C pass complete to Ford, J for 14 yards to the CU32, 1ST DOWN
                   CU (Cash, A.;Leonard, R.).
      C 1-10 C32   Harper, C pass complete to Grisham, T for 22 yards to the ST46, 1ST
                   DOWN CU (Neal, J.), PENALTY ST offside declined.
      C 1-10 N46   PENALTY CU false start 5 yards to the CU49.
      C 1-15 C49   Harper, C pass complete to Ford, J for 21 yards to the ST30, 1ST DOWN
                   CU (Morgan, D.;McKeen, S.).
      C 1-10 N30   Harper, C rush for 8 yards to the ST22, fumble forced by Kuhn, M.,
                   fumble by Harper, C recovered by ST Leonard, R. at ST22.
--------------- 5 plays, 58 yards, TOP 02:28 ---------------

  N 1-10 N22   NC STATE drive start at 07:14.
  N 1-10 N22   Wilson, R. pass complete to Underwood, C. for 12 yards to the ST34, 1ST
               DOWN ST (Cooper, S;Conner, K).
  N 1-10 N34   Underwood, C. rush for 7 yards to the ST41 (Cooper, S).
  N 2-3  N41   Wilson, R. pass incomplete to Davis, D., QB hurry by Thompson, B.
  N 3-3  N41   Wilson, R. pass complete to Brown, A. for 7 yards to the ST48, 1ST DOWN
               ST (Hunter, S;Conner, K).
  N 1-10 N48   Wilson, R. rush for 2 yards to the 50 yardline (Conner, K), PENALTY CU
               personal foul 15 yards to the CU35, 1ST DOWN ST.
  N 1-10 C35   1st and 10.
  N 1-10 C35   Wilson, R. rush for 3 yards to the CU32 (Campbell, J).
  N 2-7  C32   Underwood, C. rush for 1 yard to the CU31 (Campbell, J;Miller, J).
  N 3-6  C31   Wilson, R. pass complete to Underwood, C. for 2 yards to the CU29 (Lewis,
  N 4-4  C29   Wilson, R. pass complete to Graham, T. for 16 yards to the CU13, 1ST DOWN
               ST (Hamlin, M).
  N 1-10 C13   Underwood, C. rush for 7 yards to the CU6 (Cooper, S;Clemons, C).
  N 2-3  C06   Underwood, C. rush for no gain to the CU6 (Thompson, B;Campbell, J).
  N 3-3  C06   Wilson, R. rush for 1 yard to the CU5 (Branch, A).
  N 4-2  C05   Czajkowski, J. field goal attempt from 22 GOOD, clock 01:01.

                                     NC STATE 9, CLEMSON 17

--------------- 13 plays, 73 yards, TOP 06:13 ---------------

               Pierson, B. kickoff 42 yards to the CU28, Spiller, C return 25 yards to the
               ST47 (Pierson, B.).
      C 1-10 N47   CLEMSON drive start at 00:56.
      C 1-10 N47   Davis, J rush for 1 yard to the ST46 (Neal, J.;Willis Jr., K.).
      C 2-9  N46   Harper, C pass complete to Kelly, A for 7 yards to the ST39 (Neal,
                   J.;Michel, R.).

                                     ==END OF 3rd QUARTER==
                                     NC STATE 9, CLEMSON 17

Play-by-Play Summary (4th quarter)
      C 3-2  N39   Start of 4th quarter, clock 15:00.
      C 3-2  N39   Ford, J rush for 18 yards to the ST21, 1ST DOWN CU (Byers,
                   J.;Burgess, L.).
      C 1-10 N21   Spiller, C rush for 5 yards to the ST16, PENALTY CU holding (Palmer,
                   M) 10 yards to the ST26.
      C 1-15 N26   1st and 15.
      C 1-15 N26   Harper, C pass incomplete to Kelly, A (Irving, N.).
      C 2-15 N26   Harper, C pass complete to Kelly, A for 13 yards to the ST13 (Neal, J.).
      C 3-2  N13   Harper, C pass incomplete to Kelly, A.
      C 4-2  N13   Buchholz, M field goal attempt from 31 GOOD, clock 13:21.

                                     NC STATE 9, CLEMSON 20

--------------- 8 plays, 34 yards, TOP 02:35 ---------------

                   Buchholz, M kickoff 66 yards to the ST4, Graham, T. return 25 yards to
                   the ST29 (Grisham, T).
  N 1-10 N29   NC STATE drive start at 13:15.
  N 1-10 N29   Wilson, R. pass complete to Spencer, O. for 3 yards to the ST32 (Chancellor,
  N 2-7  N32   Wilson, R. pass incomplete (Thompson, B).
  N 3-7  N32   Wilson, R. pass complete to Brown, A. for 11 yards to the ST43, 1ST DOWN
               ST (McDaniel, D;Conner, K).
  N 1-10 N43   Wilson, R. pass incomplete, QB hurry by Hunter, S.
  N 2-10 N43   Underwood, C. rush for 4 yards to the ST47 (Brown, Ko;Cooper, S).
  N 3-6  N47   Wilson, R. rush for 6 yards to the CU47, 1ST DOWN ST (McDaniel, D).
  N 1-10 C47   Brown, A. rush for loss of 1 yard to the CU48 (Thompson, B;Jenkins, J).
  N 2-11 C48   Wilson, R. rush for 4 yards to the CU44 (Hunter, S).
  N 3-7  C44   Wilson, R. pass intercepted by Butler, C at the CU4, Butler, C return 0
               yards to the CU4.
--------------- 9 plays, 27 yards, TOP 03:47 ---------------

      C 1-10 C04   CLEMSON drive start at 09:28.
      C 1-10 C04   Spiller, C rush for 7 yards to the CU11 (Simmons, J.).
      C 2-3  C11   Spiller, C rush for 9 yards to the CU20, 1ST DOWN CU (Cash, A.).
      C 1-10 C20   Harper, C pass complete to Ford, J for 17 yards to the CU37, 1ST DOWN
                   CU (Simmons, J.).
      C 1-10 C37   Jones, M rush for 4 yards to the CU41 (Burgess, L.).
      C 2-6  C41   Davis, J rush for 1 yard to the CU42 (Maddox, D.).
      C 3-5  C42   Timeout Clemson, clock 06:20.
      C 3-5  C42   Harper, C pass complete to Kelly, A for 10 yards to the ST48, 1ST
                   DOWN CU (Byers, J.).
      C 1-10 N48   Davis, J rush for 3 yards to the ST45 (Cash, A.;Holmes, A.).
      C 2-7  N45   Davis, J rush for 3 yards to the ST42 (McKeen, S.;Holmes, A.).
      C 3-4  N42   Harper, C pass complete to Kelly, A for 5 yards to the ST37, 1ST DOWN
                   CU (Michel, R.).
      C 1-10 N37   Spiller, C rush for 6 yards to the ST31 (Cash, A.).
      C 2-4  N31   Davis, J rush for 3 yards to the ST28 (McKeen, S.).
      C 3-1  N28   PENALTY ST offside 5 yards to the ST23, 1ST DOWN CU.
      C 1-10 N23   Spiller, C rush for 11 yards to the ST12, 1ST DOWN CU (Wilson,
                   R.;Byers, J.).
      C 1-10 N12   Spiller, C rush for 12 yards to the ST0, 1ST DOWN CU, TOUCHDOWN,
                   clock 01:21.
                   Buchholz, M kick attempt good.

                                     NC STATE 9, CLEMSON 27

--------------- 13 plays, 96 yards, TOP 08:07 ---------------

                   Buchholz, M kickoff 67 yards to the ST3, Graham, T. return 20 yards to
                   the ST23 (Alexander, K).
  N 1-10 N23   NC STATE drive start at 01:09.
  N 1-10 N23   Beck, H. pass incomplete to Howard, S..
  N 2-10 N23   Beck, H. pass complete to Bryan, G. for 15 yards to the ST38, 1ST DOWN
               ST (Conner, K;Butler, C).
  N 1-10 N38   Beck, H. pass complete to Bryan, G. for 10 yards to the ST48, 1ST DOWN
               ST (Conner, K).
  N 1-10 N48   Beck, H. pass complete to Williams, J. for 10 yards to the CU42, 1ST DOWN
               ST (Chancellor, C;Lewis, H).
  N 1-10 C42   Timeout NC State, clock 00:11.
  N 1-10 C42   Beck, H. pass complete to Weaver, E. for 18 yards to the CU24, 1ST DOWN
               ST (Miller, J).
  N 1-10 C24   Timeout NC State, clock 00:07.
  N 1-10 C24   Beck, H. pass intercepted by Chancellor, C at the CU0, Chancellor, C return
               71 yards to the ST29 (Spencer, O.).
--------------- 6 plays, 53 yards, TOP 01:09 ---------------

      C 1-10 N29   CLEMSON drive start at 00:00.
      C 1-10 N29   End of game, clock 00:00.

                                     ======FINAL SCORE=====
                                     NC STATE 9, CLEMSON 27
