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May 03, 2020

Clemson Compliance Corner

Clemson Compliance Corner - NCAA Rules Covering Extra Benefits

This is a reminder about NCAA rules covering extra benefits for student-athletes. As Clemson University is a proud of member of the NCAA, our athletics staff and student-athletes are committed to the principle of athletics compliance and ensuring we play by the rules at all times. IPTAY members play a vital role in the support of our student-athletes, and it is crucial we all do nothing to jeopardize the eligibility of our student-athletes.

The basic NCAA extra benefits principle for student-athletes is that they should be treated the same as the rest of the general student population and should not be receiving something extra (e.g., tangible item, service) due to their status as a student-athlete. The provision of an extra benefit can render student-athletes ineligible and require them to go through the NCAA Student-Athlete Reinstatement process with the potential for mandated withholding from competition.

At your place of business, whether you own it or are employed by it, please remember the below:

  • Please do not provide free or discounted service to student-athletes that the general population would not also receive (e.g., free/discounted meals at restaurants, free/discounted rooms at hotels, free/discounted cars at dealerships, free/discounted rent at apartment buildings, free/discounted tickets for events).
  • Student-athletes should always pay the going rate for any services they are provided.
  • If student-athletes are employed at your place of business, they should be paid the going rate for work actually performed.
  • Please do not promote your business using a student-athlete’s name, picture, or likeness (e.g., website testimonials, social media posts, promotional print-out materials).

Please continue to Ask Before You Act to avoid any type of extra benefit scenario, and always feel free to contact Clemson University Athletic Compliance Services at
