Mission Statement
Compliance Services will assist Clemson staff, students and fans understand and abide by the rules and regulations of the NCAA and ACC.
- Coordinate the university’s compliance program.
- Conduct NCAA rules education programs for coaching staff members.
- Conduct NCAA rules education programs for enrolled student-athletes, athletics department personnel, IPTAY members, and university personnel outside athletics with compliance responsibilities.
- Monitor coaching staff members’ recruiting activities.
- Process reports to the NCAA and the ACC when university personnel do not apply NCAA or ACC legislation properly.
- Monitor student-athletes’ initial and continuing eligibility.
- Monitor team and individual NCAA financial aid limits.
- Apply for waivers to the application of NCAA legislation on behalf of prospective and enrolled student-athletes and university personnel.
- Stay abreast of recent secondary and major rules violations and ensure that Clemson’s compliance procedures would sufficiently detect such activity.
- Process violation reports with the NCAA and conference office when applicable.
- Monitor student-athletes’ receipt of benefits.
- We believe that each person who accesses Compliance Services should be treated with respect and courtesy.
- We believe that the Compliance Services staff is a team of professionals that provide Clemson with a valuable service. Because of the nature of the work within Compliance Services, our team members are committed to professional conduct with the highest degree of integrity and good faith, conducting their work within the strictest confidence and conscious of due process for those they serve.
- We believe that our service should be provided in an efficient manner and without delay.
In the News
Institutional Control
Clemson Compliance Staff