Friday 01/16/2015
Injured freshman Sarah Suddarth will be keeping a blog during her rehab process to shed light on the experiences of Clemson rowing from the perspective of a Clemson rower. This is the first installment of what will be a weekly blog that highlights various aspects of Clemson rowing.
Hi, I am Sarah (Sudds) Suddarth and I will be reporting on all things Clemson Rowing. I sit here, at 6:56 AM, and my teammates are well into an erg workout. You may be wondering, ‘Sudds, why are you not erging?’ Well here’s a little about me. I am a freshman at Clemson University on the rowing team. Over winter break of the 2014-2015 season I had surgery on my right hip. Now, here I am two weeks into a six-month (hopefully less) road to recovery and already bugging my trainer as to when I can get back into a boat. With my limited activity regimen I am currently on, I have plenty of free time during practice time. With this, I have decided to document the Tigers “row to ACCs”, The Clemson Rowing team’s daily antics, and my personal recovery this spring season. As I watch my teammates power through their pieces today, I feel so proud to be a part of this team. I am excited to share with you all-the powerful atmosphere that this boathouse has and the special things of which the Tigers are capable.
January 3, 2025
December 18, 2024
December 5, 2024
November 20, 2024