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Littlejohn Coliseum

Home of Clemson Basketball


Littlejohn Coliseum is known for being the home of both Men’s and Women’s basketball. With a capacity of over 9,000 fans and three different levels, the Coliseum has been recognized for its incomparable atmosphere and it’s overwhelming attendance by students. 

Clemson hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the newest round of renovations in Littlejohn on October 14, 2016. These upgrades took roughly 16 months to complete, beginning shortly after the 2014-15 season in order to have them done as efficiently as possible. Their game against Georgia on Nov. 11 of 2016 served as their “grand reopening” of the stadium, allowing fans to experience the renovations first-hand. 

This $63.5 million project consisted of a number of upgrades, along with the addition of some features to help accommodate players and provide them with the best equipment and atmosphere possible.

Players' Lounge

Included in the recent renovations, both the Men’s and Women’s team got their own Players’ Lounge, providing them with the equipment necessary to provide players with the opportunity to relax with their teammates and pass time in between practices and work outs. Located near each Locker Room, the Players’ Lounge helps accentuate leisure in their surroundings, while also keeping them in a proactive environment. 

Amenities Include:

Training Room

To the right of the Players’ Lounge is the Athletic Training Room. This space was specifically created to centralize the needs of players, typically consisting of recovery or game-prep. The Athletic training room was also a part of the recent renovation, allowing the program to be equipped and prepared when in season and out of it.

Amenities Include:

Weight Room

The Weight Room has undergone a superior makeover, now being connected to the players’ lounge and the practice gym, along with getting upgrades to all their equipment to better suit the players’ needs. Monitored by trainers for both teams, this space is helping athletes better themselves on a daily basis.

Connected to the Weight Room is the teams’ Practice Gym, consisting of a full-sized court with six surrounding baskets and a time clock to help the coaches and players with drills and other exercises in preparation for the season. Players have 24 hour access to the facility and are welcome to use the equipment and the gym candidly. 

Amenities Include:

Locker Room

Located beside the training room, which was a part of the recent renovation, is the Mens’ Locker Room. The Womens’ team’s Locker Room is located on the other side of the Practice Gym. The basketball teams spends an immense amount of time in this area, before and after games, practice, and lifts, so it was crucial to provide them with a comfortable space and amenities to make their atmosphere as welcoming and productive as possible. 

Amenities Include:

The Courtside Club

The Courtside Club is accessible to premium members of Clemson Basketball, qualifying through donations to the program. This allows members access to a space directly inside the tunnel of Littlejohn Coliseum, alongside providing them with Courtside tickets to watch the Tigers play. This is a one-of-a-kind experience that Littlejohn provides, allowing members to share the hardwood floor with the players and experience the atmosphere on another level.

Amenities for the Members Include:

For more information, click here.

The Lobby

The Lobby of Littlejohn Coliseum is located on the second level of the building. This space in the arena embodies everything important to Clemson Basketball. 

Upon entry, you are greeted by four life-size mannequins displaying the teams’ most prominent and favorite jerseys from certain games and accomplishments. Between jerseys is a written description of what Littlejohn contains and the important features within the facility. Across from this is a current roster of the Men’s Basketball team. Along with a full receptionist desk, the lobby is also complete with custom Tiger Lounging furniture to make the space as welcoming as possible. 

Littlejohn is known for recognizing Alumni accomplishments throughout the facility, especially in the arena. The Lobby offers a section called “Clemson Fast Facts” to help new visitors get a glimpse into the history of Littlejohn and how it has become such a crucial element of the University. Along with quick facts, they also included a section on Academic Excellence of players over the years, including recognition of ACC-All Academic, the ACC Jim Weaver-James-Corrigan Scholar Athlete, and Three Time Academic All-ACC awards. Listing the players who have received these recognitions, ranging from 1965 to 2021, this shines a light on how important the balance of academics are in student-athletes and recognizes their hard work.

Coaches and Staff Offices

The Offices are located West of the Lobby entrance and accommodate all of the Coaches and other Staff with the resources necessary to help the facility function effectively and efficiently. With an overview of the Practice Gym, the offices are equipped with professional organizational furniture and comfortable lounge furniture to assist in making the many hours they devote to the team as comfortable as possible.

The Mathis Family Club

The Mathis Family Club is a fan favorite of Littlejohn on game days. IPTAY describes the Club as “ultimate comfort and amenities while still being right in the middle of the action!” This space in Littlejohn is an exclusive club to donors and other members associated with the program, allowing for VIP benefits, while having access to a great view of the team below, alongside the rest of the stadium and the fans’ radiating energy. 

Amenities Included for Mathis Family Club (Coliseum Club) Members:

For more information, click here.

The Arena

The third floor of the Coliseum is accessible to all fans in attendance, including the average of 1100 Clemson students in attendance at the Men’s basketball games in there 2022-23 season. This level provides many different access points to the variety of seating sections, along with merchandise stands and concession stands for fans to visit at half time.

The game time court is equipped with professional level and custom Clemson Tiger wood flooring, along with two game clocks and surrounding screens, displaying the time and score at all time and creating easy visibility to everyone in the stadium. Another one of the most eye-catching features is the surround video board and sound system directly above the court, often used for replays and zoomed in view of the court, also constantly displaying the score and time left in the game.

Recognizable Achievements Banners

If you’ve ever attended an event in Littlejohn, you may or may not have recognized the many achievements on display on the ceiling of the facility. This relatively new feature was added by the committee to help create a recognition to many of the historic people associated with Clemson Basketball. 

The Jerseys

The Jerseys hanging above the court are what we consider Honoring the Greats. Whether they’re Clemson Basketball Alumni or simply made great donations to the program, the program honors them for their contribution in making this Sport progressively better. 

Names Present:

Other Achievements

Men’s Banners:

Women’s Banners: