First native of Peru to be a member of the Clemson women’s golf roster…played on the GolfPerú Junior Tour, the AJGA, and the SFPGA…was the Peruvian National Junior Stroke Play champion in 2022, the champion at the VIII Junior Tour Tournament and the champion at the XII Junior Tour Tournament…played in various amateur tournaments, such as the Bolivarian Games (2022), South American Games (2022), South American Amateur (2022, 2023), Women’s Amateur Latin America (2022, 2023) and South American Team Championship “Copa Los Andres” (2023)…other honors and titles include being runner-up at the Peruvian National Matchplay Championship in 2021, the winner of the Peruvian National Amateur Women’s Raking in 2022, the Peruvian National Stroke Play champion in 2022, the Peruvian National Matchplay champion in 2022 and the champion at the GolfPerú Open III….plans to major in financial management…plays classical guitar…entered Clemson in August of 2024…Born on May 7, 2006…