Wednesday 01/11/2006
Jan. 11, 2006
Recap | Box Score | Photo Gallery
Clemson had 10 blocked shots and 15 steals in the win over WakeForest. This is the first time Clemson has had at least 10 blocksand 15 steals in the same game since the 1989-90 season when aClemson team led by Dale Davis and Elden Campbell had 16 blocks and18 steals in a win over Radford. The head coach of that Radfordteam was Oliver Purnell. Vernon Hamilton scored 21 points to reacha new career high. The native of Richmond, whose sister LaurenHamilton is a Wake Forest graduate, also added five rebounds andfour steals without a personal foul. His previous career high was19 against Virginia in the ACC Tournament his freshman year. CliffHammonds also had 21 points to tie his season high. He also addedfive rebounds, three assists and three steals. Hammonds andHamilton combined for 42 points, 10 rebounds, six assists and justtwo turnovers in 77 combined minutes. They also had seven combinedsteals. Hammonds and Hamilton both scored at least 20 points thefirst time Clemson has had two 20-point scorers in the same gamesince Shawan Robinson had 22 and Sharrod Ford had 25 in an 88-73win over Maryland on Feb. 1, 2005 at College Park. This was thefirst time Clemson has had two guards go for at least 20 points inthe same game since Feb. 13, 2002. In that game, a 118-115 doubleovertime win over Wake Forest, both Tony Stockman and Edward Scotthad 30 points apiece. Chris Hobbs also had 24 points to giveClemson three 20-point scorers. That was also the last time Clemsondefeated Wake Forest. Thus, the only two times in the last 109games that Clemson has had two guards score at least 20 points,Wake Forest has been the opponent both times and both games havebeen Clemson overtime victories. Freshman center Raymond Sykes hadthree blocked shots, a steal and two rebounds in the win over WakeForest. Sykes had not played since December 20. He had just twoblocks in six career games prior to Wednesday, then had three in 15minutes against Wake Forest. Blocking shots is nothing new forSykes however. He once blocked 21 shots in a high school game. EricWilliams had 22 points and 20 rebounds for Wake Forest, the firstopposing player to have a 20-20 against Clemson since January 17,1972 when Tom Burleson had 24 points and 21 rebounds in a 58-46 NCState win in Raleigh. He was the first opposing player to get 20rebounds against the Tigers since December 16, 1975 when Al Younghad 20 rebounds for Jacksonville against Tree Rollins and theTigers. Clemson won this game with a -16 rebound margin. It is thefirst time Clemson has won a game with a rebound margin of -16 orworse since the 2000-01 season when Clemson was out-rebounded by 21by The Citadel in an 84-76 Clemson victory at Littlejohn Coliseum.
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