Nov. 11, 2010
The Solid Orange Squad was quite busy during the month of October 2010. See below for a description of some of the activities the SOS participated in throughout the month.
This week the Solid Orange Squad met with freshmen student-athletes in the PG&D (Personal Growth and Development) class to discuss SOS and the Be A T.I.G.E.R.! program. SOS met with two classes of PG&D on October 4 and 6, where they began by discussing the many facets of SOS. The lecture continued with Cassie Self, a junior swimmer and assistant administrator of Community Relations, speaking about the Be A T.I.G.E.R.! assemblies, newspaper, T.I.G.E.R. Talk, and T.I.G.E.R. Reads programs. Self also discussed past community service activities for student-athletes as well as how community service hours are tallied.
Chad Holt, a senior on the track and field and cross country teams and Director of the SOS, discussed the ways in which the student-athletes could participate and reasons for participation. The presentation was concluded with an exercise where student-athletes broke up into groups and each were assigned a character trait of the T.I.G.E.R.! The groups were then asked to come up with ways in which they would present their trait to a group of elementary and middle school children.
Meeting with the PG&D class proved to be successful, as over 30 new student-athletes signed up to be part of the SOS.
Upcoming events that SOS will be taking part in during the month of October include but are not limited to: Outstanding Representative Awards Presentation at Six Mile Elementary on Oct. 13, a tour of the athletic facilities for Bruton Town Community Center on Oct. 14, a Red Ribbon Week presentation at AR Lewis Elementary School on Oct. 15 and The Empower Tailgate promoting safe alcohol free tailgating on Saturday, Oct. 16.
The Solid Orange Squad has been keeping very busy over the past two weeks, as it has traveled to five elementary schools to put on Be a T.I.G.E.R. presentations. Swimmer Maddie Tarantolo and rower Lisa Phillips made an appearance at Six Mile Elementary on Oct. 13, as part of a monthly awards ceremony to recognize those children that distinguished themselves by showing great character.
The athletes introduced themselves and then discussed the importance of having good character with reference to the T.I.G.E.R. acronym. Rowers Liz Robb, Taylor Hoynacki and Katie Bruggeling gave tours of the Clemson athletic facilities to the Bruton Town Community Center from Greenville, SC on Oct. 14.
This event was followed on the Oct. 15 by rowers Taylor Hoynacki and Victoria Graham traveling to AR Lewis Elementary to give a presentation of the Be A T.I.G.E.R. program with an emphasis on drug and alcohol awareness, in honor of Red Ribbon Month. This same topic was discussed at Lockhart and Wren Elementary Schools by football’s Stanley Hunter and track and field’s Chad Holt.
On Friday, student-athletes Lisa Phillips, Victoria Graham, Cory Stanton, Catalin Baciu and Lindsey O’Connell will travel to McLees Elementary to present the Be A T.I.G.E.R. program with continued emphasis on drug and alcohol awareness for Red Ribbon Week. The program will begin at 12:30 p.m. and will conclude by 2:00 p.m., and will be directed to two groups of students from Kindergarten through fifth grade.
The Solid Orange Squad has continued its busy month of October with more assemblies for the Be A T.I.G.E.R! program in conjunction with the observance of National Red Ribbon Week. The group has visited six additional schools since last week and has delivered the Be a T.I.G.E.R.! character message to more than 1000 elementary students.
During the week of October 25-29, the Solid Orange Squad received additional support from the Clemson’s men’s basketball team. Men’s basketball players Catalin Baciu and Cory Stanton, rowers Lisa Phillips and Victoria Graham, and volleyball player Lindsey O’Connell visited McLees Elementary to speak to over 600 kids about the importance of good character and remaining drug, alcohol and tobacco free (the emphasis of Red Ribbon Week).
Later in the week, SOS director Chad Holt, from the cross country team, visited Reidville and Cherokee Trail Elementary Schools, in Spartanburg and Abbeville respectively, where he delivered the Be a T.I.G.E.R.! message to kids ranging in ages kindergarten through seventh grade.
Bryan Narcisse (men’s basketball) and Lisa Phillips (rowing) again talked about the Be a T.I.G.E.R.! program to more than 200 Townville Elementary School Students, and distributed schedule cards and posters of Clemson Athletic teams.
Finally the men’s basketball team continued their support of SOS and the Upstate community as they traveled to Mt. Lebanon Elementary and gave an assembly on the Be A T.I.G.E.R.! program. Each of these events involved student-athletes volunteering between 2-4 hours of their day to talk with school kids about Clemson’s character based educational program. With it being Red Ribbon week and emphasizing being “Drug Free,” the athletes spoke to the children about ways to say “No” and how the student-athletes continue their pledge to be “Drug Free” even today.
For more information regarding Solid Orange Squad events or if you would like to request the participation of Clemson student-athletes in your community, please visit the Community Relations webpage under the Athletic Department link on, or contact Linda White, the Director of Community Relations.
February 12, 2025
February 11, 2025