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Travel – Clemson Area Amtrak

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Amtrak Train services the Clemson area. Call 1-800-USA-RAIL for automated information on schedules and rates. The closest station to the university is at US Hwy. 123 & US Hwy. 133, Clemson, SC 29631.

Click to check fares and schedules or book your trip:

3 closest Amtrak location(s)

1. CLEMSON (CSN) US HWY. 123 & US HWY. 133, CLEMSON, SC 29631 US Distance: 1.18 miles

2. GREENVILLE (GRV) 112O W. WASHINGTON ST., GREENVILLE, SC 29601 US Ticket Sales, Checked Baggage, Full Accessibility* Distance: 27.48 miles

3. TOCCOA (TCA) 47 N. ALEXANDER ST., TOCCOA, GA 30577 US Distance: 29.02 miles Travel Partners
