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Tiger Den

Tiger Den

A personal look at Clemson swimming

10-18-03… During Clemson’s fall break Clemson’s swimmers and divers took a break between practice to compete in the October Tiger Swimming and Diving Bowling Classic. Team Mulletia won the competition which consisted of the cumulative scores of two games. Ryan Cassella (Bubba Ry), Courtney Humes (Kounrty Kourt), Janell Brodrick (Ja-Nell), Nichole Kroeger(Candi Cole), and Tommy Rappold (Tommy Joe) put together at total team score of (1211) with Bubba Ry high cumulative score of 419. Rounding out the top three teams were The “Pro Bowlers” (1077), and “Drew’s Crew” (1053). Point of interest the Swimming and Diving staff, “On Deck” (1212)!!


10-16-03… Tigers Defeat Gamecocks. Check out pictures from the big win…Photo Gallery
