October 8, 1998
“Pawsitively Clemson” – The Tastes of the Tigers
The spirit of sports abound in Clemson, SC, on Clemson University’s campus – and there’s no bigger fans anywhere to cheer on all nineteen sports!
IPTAY and the Clemson University Athletic Department have produced another winner! A coffee table hard-backed cookbook named Pawsitively Clemson – The Tastes of the Tigers ($19.95). The cover is a knockout, with a Tiger face literally jumping out of the pages!
Whether you’re planning a tailgate party, a beach bash or a formal dinner, Pawsitively Clemson is packed with over 300 mouth-watering recipes that are sure to make any meal victorious.
Scattered throughout the book is information about all aspects of the University, both past and present. Favorite coaches, sports figures, professors, administrators, fans and alumni have shared recipes with comments in the side bars of the 256 pages.
IPTAY’s Clemson Athletic Scholarship fund organization is proud to bring you Pawsitively Clemson which will produce moneys for scholarships. Bob Brooks and “Naturally Fresh” Foods have underwritten all costs in producing the Clemson cookbook. This colorful and entertaining cookbook will make a great gift for holidays, weddings, college students and other special occasions. Attractive Tiger mailing boxes are available when shipping or for gift packaging.
“Pawsitively Clemson” COOKBOOK FACTS
Title:”Pawsitively Clemson” – The Tastes of the TigersAuthor/Publisher: IPTAY Scholarship Fund Co-Editors: Nancy Bennett,Nancy Cathcart, and IPTAY Director’s wives Contributors: AthleticStaff, Clemson University Administrators and Faculty, ClemsonUniversity Alumni and Fans Price: $19.95 +1.20 (tax) = $21.15shipping and handling – $5.00 for the first book and $1 for eachadditional book (shipping will be in a “Tiger” box designedespecially for that purpose and can be shipped as gifts) MakeChecks Payable To: “Pawsitively Clemson” – IPTAY
All funds realized from this book will go for IPTAY scholarships.
Contact, Name, Address, Phone and Fax No.:
“Pawsitively Clemson” – IPTAY George Bennett – Executive Director Avenue of Champions – Clemson University Post Office Box 1529 Clemson, SC 29633
Phone: (864) 656-2115 Fax: (864) 656-0415 e-mail: georgeu@clemson.edu
Publication Date: October 8, 1998 Number of Recipes: 312Binding: Hard Cover Size: 8 1/4″ x 10 1/4″ New Edition – FirstPrinting
This is a cook book with stories about Clemson University’s history, sporting events, coaches, faculty, fans, etc. – A perfect coffee table book with wonderful recipes!
February 9, 2025