Friday 06/16/2000
June 16, 2000
This is Henri Stanley’s final journal entry of the 2000 Clemson baseball season. Stanley’s Stance started back on May 10 in Lynchburg, Virginia. Along the way, Henri gave fans a window to his thoughts and experiences as the Tigers finished the regular season, competed in the ACC Tournament, battled in the NCAA Tournament and made it to Omaha. would like to thank Henri for taking the time to write Stanley’s Stance.
Henri has now signed a free agent contract with the Houston Astros. would like to wish Henri good luck as he begins his professional career.
Journal Entry No. 12June 16, 2000 – Clemson, S.C.
Hello Tiger Fans! Well I am sure we all are disappointed to see the season come to an end. What a great start to the new decade though. Hopefully this is the start of many more trips to Omaha over the next few years.
I would like to send a big congratulations to the entire team, and I wish everyone success in the future. The end of the season happens so quickly, as players go their separate ways the minute we step foot off the bus. Most go to play summer ball, or home to work. It happens so quickly that you lose touch with most of the guys for the entire summer.
The season was memorable, and it is something that I will never forget. My four years at Clemson went faster than I could have ever imagined. I had a good time playing in Orange and Purple. I will definitely miss the feeling of hearing Tiger Rag played as we take the field in the first inning. I will miss my teammates. No one realizes the amount of time each player puts into Clemson Baseball. That is something that every person on the team should be proud of, and remember.
Thanks to all the fans who traveled great lengths and paid hard earned money to support Clemson Baseball. We all appreciate your support and love!
Thanks to Brian Hennessy and Brett Sowell for creating Stanley’s Stance.
Thanks to the coaching staff for all the hard work and emphasis placed on our team.
Thanks to all the players, who stuck beside each other until the final out. It was a great season, and I do not feel anyone associated with Clemson baseball should be ashamed.
Thanks to all of you who followed the team through these journal articles. It was my pleasure, and I am glad you all received the articles so warmly! Take care and always root for The Tigers!!!
February 16, 2025
February 15, 2025
February 14, 2025