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Sixth Man Endowment

Sixth Man Endowment

IPTAY Collegiate Club members are a big part of the Sixth Man atmosphere in Littlejohn Coliseum.

  I. Purpose The sixth man endowment will allow students to help raise money for the Littlejohn renovations. Also, it will allow students the opportunity to show the nation their devotion to Clemson University and Clemson Athletics.   II. Procedure For a student to be a part of the Sixth Man Endowment they must donate $20 to this endowment fund during the 1999-2000 fiscal years (July 1, 1998 – June 30, 2000). Also, they must be a member of the IPTAY Collegiate Club.   III. Goal The Sixth Man Endowment Fund will raise $20,000 to be donated for Littlejohn renovations.   IV. Benefits Students who become a part of this endowment fund will have their name placed on a plaque, located outside of Littlejohn Coliseum, acknowledging all $20 contributors. Also, a student who donates $20 will receive 10 priority points. The $20 donation will also go towards the donor’s cumulative giving. Students may also participate in this endowment by honoring another person or persons (the honoree(s) must be a non-student). By contributing $20 for each additional name, the names of the donor and honoree(s) would appear as follows:

John Doe in honor of Jane Doe

To become a part of this endowment, e-mail Jason Walter your mailing address to receive a brochure.
