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Sharpie Brings Autographs for Education to Clemson

Nov. 4, 2005

As part of Homecoming festivities this weekend, the Clemson Department of Marketing, in conjunction with the Clemson Athletic Department, have announced the Sharpie H2 Hummer will be set up next to the Tiger Tailgate Show by Memorial Stadium at 10:00 a.m on Saturday, November 5. Starting at 11 a.m., members of Clemson University’s men’s and women’s basketball teams, along with head coaches Oliver Purnell and Cristy McKinney, will be on hand to sign autographs and distribute posters and schedule cards, in an effort to help Sharpie collect one million signatures.

Clemson students, fans and alumni are encouraged to come out and leave their autographs as well. Once one million signatures are collected, Sharpie will donate $1 million in supplies to schools across the country. Clemson University is the first collegiate association to participate in the Sharpie Retractable Autographs for Education program to raise $1 million for school supplies.

Sharpie has visited cities across the country in a fleet of Sharpie-branded all-terrain vehicles throughout 2005, stopping at local festivals and special events. The vehicles feature interactive games, product sampling opportunities, and official entry forms for the signature collection effort. Complete sweepstakes rules and entry methods can be found at retailers nationwide and at

For information, contact Dr. Mary Anne Raymond in Marketing (656-6782) or News Services’ Angela Nixon (656-0382).
