Nov. 13, 2008
I. Dinner
II. President’s Overview — Rachel Regone
Introduction and welcome
III. Review of Tigers in the Kitchen — Rochelle Kokayko
Went great, lots of people showed up Better promotion of the event and a better mix of athletes in the future
IV. Update on SAAC as a Campus Organization — Lauren Klas
Process of “re-organization” is taking place now We are not currently organized because of missing student government meetings
V. Update on Tiger Talk — Ashley Clay
Program going well Adding two schools this month
VI. Empower — Kathy Cauthen
Empower is an alcohol safety program with an office located by the ’55 exchange in Hendrix 1200 people at empower tailgate a few weeks ago surveyed about alcohol safety plans(Found that many students do have plans for alcohol safety; Also found many students are tailgating in “high-risk situations”) Kathy needs to know how teams can implement alcohol safety measures in their seasons Kathy needs an analysis of how her time can best be spent with athletes Current projects: surveying community and students about alcohol (community needs assessment) (Top 3 findings/concerns of survey: Transportation, Inconsistency in law enforcement, Inconsistency in managerial core in apartment complexes)
VII. Student Athlete Opportunity Fund — Lauren Klas
What should the money be spent on? — Alex Padgett How do student athletes get the money? — Lisa Jedlicka Discussion of taking out computer funds to free up around $110,000 Rules on how money can be spent (No competitive advantage gained; Accessible to all athletes; Accountable to ACC; Not used to pay for existing programs) Suggestions (Gas/car repairs, Laundry, Tiger stripe, Extra pell grant, Stipends, Traveling home)
VIII. SAAC representatives discussion items
Student-athlete football tickets Someone getting in touch with Travis Furbee
IX. Committee service divisions and committee meetings — Rachel Regone
X. Short meeting afterwards with Ginty and officers and committee chairs
Absent – Corey Brown, Sam Bryfczynski, Parker Rogers, David Newton
February 12, 2025