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SAAC Meeting Minutes

Nov. 13, 2009

1. Welcome – Lauren Klas a. Thanks for support at Swim meet – Jason Chatlosh

2. Homecoming Recap a. Thanks to Katrina Obas for participating and representing SAAC in the pageant

3. NCAA Regional Conference Recap – Alex Padget & Sthefany Thomas a. Structure of NCAA explained b. Legislation process can move up chain of command starting with student athletesi. Student-athletes do have a voice c. Value of Leadership i. DISC assessment 1. Possibility of making this available to student-athlete body. 2. Way for a team to recognize various leadership qualities d. Leadership through servicei. Helped paint/garden local school in Atlanta

4. NCAA National Conference Opportunity – Ginty Porter a. New sports forum format b. Look for application requirements in email

5. SAAC in PGD – Ginty Porter a. Thanks to Alex and Lauren for speaking to freshmen about SAAC

6. Post Graduate Scholarship Opportunities – Leslie Moreland a. If teammates are interested in graduate school, let them know to tell their advisorsi. Gives advisors a larger, more qualified pool of student-athletes to choose from b. Women’s Leadership Opportunity i. Tampa Bay in Spring ii. For FEMALE student-athletes interested in a career in sports

7. Schilletter Night Recap a. Thanks to Paige and Maggie for the detailed proposal form b. Thanks to Michael Wade and Paige Griffith for recruiting teammates to serve. c. Video – Ginty Porter (available for viewing on webpage) d. Look on SAAC webpage for pictures and press release of the evening – Tyler Morey e. The best organized Schilletter Night ever!

8. Thank-a-Thon Update – Meredith Razzollini & Chris Slate a. dates proposedi. November 30 and December 1st ii. 3 hour block shifts iii. Hope to get 114 athletes b. Goal is to call ALL donors, not just highest donors c. Would like to get involvement from majority of sports on campusi. Baseball and WTN are scheduled to participate ii. Look for email in the next few days iii. Finalize schedule by next Wednesday d. Idea to handwrite letters – McCuen Elmorei. May be more effective for higher donors ii. Left up to chairs to decide

9. Be a TIGER Update – Tyler Morey a. Partner with National Student-Athlete Day b. Elementary – Be a TIGER, Middle/High School – NSAD c. Committees are in place with 2 co-chairs per committeei. Activities, Promotions, Vendors, Food/Beverages, Day-of Operations d. More information coming next semester

10. NCAA Student-Athlete Day – Jason Chatlosh & Lauren Klas a. Partner with Be a TIGER Field Day b. Elementary – Be a TIGER, Middle/High School – NSAD c. Lauren and Jason will talk with Van Hildebran (sp) about compliance/operations d. Look for email updates to help out e. Thanks to SAAC members for communicating with coaches – this will make the process much easier to get volunteers. f. Explanation of facility tours – Lauren Klasi. Will have educational aspect (wellness, nutrition, academics) g. ACC collaboration – Lauren Klasi. Every ACC school will donate clothes and supplies to the military. 1. Terry Don Phillips already gave the okay to donate excess athletic gear 2. We will plan to donate other items above and beyond.

11. Faculty/Staff & Coaches Luncheon – Lauren Klas a. Goal is to help bridge the communication gap b. Potential topics to discuss at Luncheon:i. Multiple Tests in one day is difficult on student-athletes ii. Missing class/make-up work iii. Travel Verification – get out earlier and have more communication 1. Difficult for some sports (track, rowing, golf, baseball) because lineup could change a few days out. iv. Group meeting are sometimes difficult for athletes v. Coaches should express to professors that athletes are in fact trying to succeed in class 1. Professors may stereotype athletes from the start. vi. Coaches putting practice blocks in the middle of the day 1. Difficult for s/a’s to work around, especially if they are on graduation track vii. Coaches made more aware of class period schedule. viii. Classes that are only offered at specific times – difficult to work around c. How will participants be chosen?i. Web Smathers will be hosting ii. Choosing specific professors and coaches iii. President Barker will attend d. Get input from teammates perspective e. There will be student-athlete representationi. First year be SAAC officers

12. Practice Swap – Laurianne Henry a. Idea proposed for teams to participate in other sports for a day b. Potentially pair with teams that have similar off-season

13. Sportsmanship Award Nominees – Lauren Klas a. Team Sportsmanship–Clemson Footballi. Football team signed jersey for BC player with cancer b. Individual Malei. Football player, Jess Bowers–26 years old, yet does not dress out for games, but practices harder than anyone and continues to work hard none-the-less ii. Cross Country, Bryce Iverson, injured all season and stepped up to train for a week before ACC because of need on team.

14. H1N1 Vaccine – Dr. Loreto Jackson a. Will send out email sooni. Vaccine will be given out on Thursday b. Currently in 2nd wave of infectioni. Student-Athletes are highly susceptible c. Potential Conflictsi. Rowing, Cross Country, Men’s Soccer

15. Open Discussion a. Check and respond to emails over the next 2 months
