March 16, 2009
Dinner: 6:45 p.m.
Dr. Loreto Jackson: Mandatory Program for all student-athletes on Monday, Feb 2nd at 7:30 pm in Tillman. Speaker is Dan Doyle, the first speaker in the bi-annual Jack Shaw Ethics and Leadership Series Monday, Feb. 2nd all SAAC members are invited to attend a leadership training session (lunch included) from 12:00-1:30 pm with Dan Doyle. Please respond to Ginty’s e-mail confirming your attendance.
Mike Freeman: Overview of Thank-a-Thon FOOTBALL, ROWING, BASEBALL HELPED OUT TREMENDOUSLY and SAAC would like to thank you! Think about Thank-A-Thon becoming a FALL and SPRING event for next year.
Callie Boyd: Budget cuts and opportunities Another Budget Cut of 41.2 Million dollars starting Fall Semester might go into play (coming from out state governor)(This is NOT 100% yet I don’t think) $200 dollar increase will be given to each students tuition start in the Fall and the students will then have a cap on student tuition, meaning it will be on set price and cannot go up and down. (This is NOT into play yet, but an idea from the board) Please E-Mail Callie Boyd with ANY personal opinions on how you think Clemson could budget better, or any personal ideas your have that helps you budget and share them with her. The Board is thinking about Revising Resident Visitation Policy to 3am-8am.
Becky Bowman: Update on Student-Athlete Opportunity Fund The Student opportunity fund that we were pushing CANNOT happen anymore, being that we as Clemson are going through these budget cuts. Although, ALL incoming freshman WILL receive a full scholarship their first summer session before FALL semester starts, to help Clemson compete with other schools, and also give the Freshman a great Kick Start on their college experience with their grades and etc. (This was an Administrative Decision)
Rachel Regone: Be a T.I.G.E.R.! community field day April 11, 2009 is BE A TIGER!! WE NEED A LOT OF HELP WITH THIS ACTIVITY!!!!! Please contact Stephanie, and Morgan by email with any Help! THANK YOU!
Jason Chatlosh: Update on student-athlete philanthropy dance As of now, There will BE a dance, but it will be after the first Athletic Picnic, once everyone meets the old/new coaches and etc. The Old Dance Committee will now be over the new idea of the “Community Get Together”.
Ashley Clay: Update on Tiger Talk Tiger Talk is sent out every Thursday, so please catch up on your comversations with your buddies if you have not yet done so. Thank You!
Rachel Regone: Committee meetings
Ginty Porter: Additional items
Open discussion
February 12, 2025