Sept. 15, 2008
Picture: 6:30 p.m. (wear SAAC shirts!)
Dinner: 6:45 p.m.
Ginty Porter: Introductions
Rachel Regone: President’s Overview
Welcomed Everyone back and introduced Staff Be more Involved Increase Awareness Continue Community Service Be more involved with Athletic Department Issues Attendance of SAAC members – expressed how it is important to be here and get a sub if you cant show. Let Ginty know if you need a sub!
Ginty Porter & Lauren Klas: Review SAAC retreat
Overview of Retreat packet and told everyone to put it in there notebooks Talked about what the Retreat packet was about such as Communication, National SAAC, Re-Wrote the mission statement and Bylaw. Talked about how much of a success the Retreat was and told how it showed the strengths and weaknesses of communication within SAAC, Trust, Can’t all direct, ALL HAVE TO WORK TOGETHER AS A TEAM!! Talked about how SAAC has improved every year!
Lauren Klas & Rachel Regone: Mission Statement proposal & by-law change
Read the Current statement and compared it to the Old statement, also told how it was compared to Kansas SAAC. Talked about how Each representative is Responsible for all of the new duties from the Mission Statement and the Bylaw. (Read over the duties) Proposed the changes and went over the motion MOTION WAS PASSED
Rachel Regone: NCAA Leadership Conference update
How it focused more on: Leadership development Community Outreach
Linda White: Solid Orange Squad and Community Outreach
Read over the Solid Orange Squad Solid Orange is a group who is interested in doing a lot more of community service Went over the SOS Teams (8-12 members per team, 1 team captains which are in charge of emailing the whole team) 6 Hour Minimum to Stay in the club Working with Edwards (the student drop outs) Email buddies, and going to visit them at lunch, or even send Christmas cards (discussed the problems that happened last year (the buddy didn’t reply to email)) IF YOU COMMIT TO BE A BUDDY YOU HAVE TO STICK WITH IT (THE KIDS LOOK UP TO US)!! Ideas were suggested for Year Long project and email buddies 6 prompts from Oct-Dec, Then 6 Jan-March Asked for a show of hands of this Program (Many hands raised)
Becky Bowman: Overview of Student-Athlete Funds
Talked about people who are living in poverty and how the budget helps out the students with that. Ways funds are dispesed changed last year. Talked about Financial Aid’s changes of the Full grants and Aid Recipients Asks for SAAC’s help for moving forward, make the money available to ALL student athletes. Discussed the international tax issue Discussed how money has been opened up and hopes of an increase every year Asked SAAC to think about this, and asked for suggestions and oppositions Student Athlete opportunity Fund has been combined Lisa Jedlicka (, Alex Padgett (, and Lauren Klas ( will attend the meeting with Becky Bowman (Thursday, September 11th at 3:30, next meetings TBA) Currently picks up the cost for the GRE Suggestions from representatives: Stipend for Gas, Shuttle from Vickery to Jervey Lisa, Alex, and Lauren will be the representatives for this topic, go to folder get the email addresses if you have any questions, or issues!!
Rachel Regone & Corey Brown: Committee Structure and Assignments
Asked whether Spring or Fall is best for your team Shay Galladay suggested to give clothes instead of doing the can food drive (very good idea) (Put a box in the dorms for the clothes) Asked for open discussion on how we are going to change the Orange and Purple, and the commitment Ginty reminded to look on the SAAC Website and announcements, and Organizational Calendar. Motion was PASSED to Team Participation, SAAC members have to sign the team up and they NEED to Follow up with the service.
Open discussion
Teams really want to do the student athlete dance Need to find a place to hold it Ask for Student Athletes for help Solid Orange Family Reunion said he will D.J the SAAC Event for free Miller Moss, Paula Pritzen, Jason Chatlosh, and Robert Elmore will be the representatives of this committee and will need to get back to SAAC by the next meeting!!!
December 3, 2024
December 2, 2024