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SAAC Meeting Minutes

Sept. 15, 2008

Picture: 6:30 p.m. (wear SAAC shirts!)

Dinner: 6:45 p.m.

Ginty Porter: Introductions

Rachel Regone: President’s Overview

• Welcomed Everyone back and introduced Staff • Be more Involved • Increase Awareness • Continue Community Service • Be more involved with Athletic Department Issues • Attendance of SAAC members – expressed how it is important to be here and get a sub if you cant show. Let Ginty know if you need a sub!

Ginty Porter & Lauren Klas: Review SAAC retreat

• Overview of Retreat packet and told everyone to put it in there notebooks • Talked about what the Retreat packet was about such as Communication, National SAAC, Re-Wrote the mission statement and Bylaw. • Talked about how much of a success the Retreat was and told how it showed the strengths and weaknesses of communication within SAAC, Trust, Can’t all direct, ALL HAVE TO WORK TOGETHER AS A TEAM!! • Talked about how SAAC has improved every year!

Lauren Klas & Rachel Regone: Mission Statement proposal & by-law change

• Read the Current statement and compared it to the Old statement, also told how it was compared to Kansas SAAC. • Talked about how Each representative is Responsible for all of the new duties from the Mission Statement and the Bylaw. (Read over the duties) • Proposed the changes and went over the motion • MOTION WAS PASSED

Rachel Regone: NCAA Leadership Conference update

• How it focused more on: • Leadership development • Community Outreach

Linda White: Solid Orange Squad and Community Outreach

• Read over the Solid Orange Squad • Solid Orange is a group who is interested in doing a lot more of community service • Went over the SOS Teams (8-12 members per team, 1 team captains which are in charge of emailing the whole team) • 6 Hour Minimum to Stay in the club • Working with Edwards (the student drop outs) • Email buddies, and going to visit them at lunch, or even send Christmas cards (discussed the problems that happened last year (the buddy didn’t reply to email)) • IF YOU COMMIT TO BE A BUDDY YOU HAVE TO STICK WITH IT (THE KIDS LOOK UP TO US)!! • Ideas were suggested for Year Long project and email buddies • 6 prompts from Oct-Dec, Then 6 Jan-March • Asked for a show of hands of this Program (Many hands raised)

Becky Bowman: Overview of Student-Athlete Funds

• Talked about people who are living in poverty and how the budget helps out the students with that. Ways funds are dispesed changed last year. • Talked about Financial Aid’s changes of the Full grants and Aid Recipients • Asks for SAAC’s help for moving forward, make the money available to ALL student athletes. • Discussed the international tax issue • Discussed how money has been opened up and hopes of an increase every year • Asked SAAC to think about this, and asked for suggestions and oppositions • Student Athlete opportunity Fund has been combined • Lisa Jedlicka (, Alex Padgett (, and Lauren Klas ( will attend the meeting with Becky Bowman (Thursday, September 11th at 3:30, next meetings TBA) • Currently picks up the cost for the GRE • Suggestions from representatives: Stipend for Gas, Shuttle from Vickery to Jervey • Lisa, Alex, and Lauren will be the representatives for this topic, go to folder get the email addresses if you have any questions, or issues!!

Rachel Regone & Corey Brown: Committee Structure and Assignments

• Asked whether Spring or Fall is best for your team • Shay Galladay suggested to give clothes instead of doing the can food drive (very good idea) (Put a box in the dorms for the clothes) • Asked for open discussion on how we are going to change the Orange and Purple, and the commitment • Ginty reminded to look on the SAAC Website and announcements, and Organizational Calendar. • Motion was PASSED to Team Participation, SAAC members have to sign the team up and they NEED to Follow up with the service.

Open discussion

• Teams really want to do the student athlete dance • Need to find a place to hold it • Ask for Student Athletes for help • Solid Orange Family Reunion said he will D.J the SAAC Event for free • Miller Moss, Paula Pritzen, Jason Chatlosh, and Robert Elmore will be the representatives of this committee and will need to get back to SAAC by the next meeting!!!
