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Reports Of NCAA Rules Violations

Feb. 16, 2001

Date of Violation Facts Results Penalty
October 13-16, 2000 Violation of NCAA Bylaw 13.7.2 regarding length of official visit. Official visits for two prospective student-athletes extended beyond the 48 hours due to mechanical problems with the aircraft. Reported by coach. Reported to NCAA.Case Resolved None
October 24, 2000 Violation of NCAA Bylaw regarding contacting four-year college prospects. Coach mistakenly wrote a letter of interest to a college freshman. Coach received name from the junior national team selection camp roster. Detected by another institutions associate athletics director and reported to compliance services. Reported to NCAA. Student-athlete declared ineligible to compete at Clemson.Case Resolved None
October 25, 2000 Violation of NCAA Bylaw regarding highlight/film/videotape/audio tape. A videotape designed to promote season ticket sales inadvertently was placed on the institution’s and athletic department’s web site and made available to the general public, including prospects. Detected within institution. Reported to NCAA. Videotape was removed from the web site.Case Resolved None
November 17, 2000 Violation of NCAA Bylaw 13.4.1 regarding recruiting materials. Coach mistakenly sent a recruiting letter to an underclassman. The prospective student-athlete was identified as a junior. Detected by a booster and reported to compliance services. Reported to ACC. Case Pending Coach reminded that future violations must be reported to the NCAA enforcement staff.
November 20, 2000 Violation of NCAA Bylaws regarding extra benefits and 13.2.2 regarding offers of inducements. Staff organized a dinner for team members and members of a local youth club on dining etiquette. Unfortunately, the dinner was held at a local restaurant, and some of the youth club members were prospect-aged. Detected by compliance services. Reported to NCAA.Student-athletes declared ineligible until cost of meal was repaid. Eligibility later restored. Youth club members declared ineligible until cost of meal is repaid.Case Resolved Coaches received a letter of reprimand.
December 30, 2000 Violation of NCAA Bylaw regarding preferential treatment, benefits, or services. Student-athlete unknowingly received a corporate discount for lodging. Detected by compliance services during an investigation. Reported to NCAA.Student-athlete declared ineligible/later restored.Case Resolved Student-athlete repaid the difference to a local charity. No further action.
January 14, 2001 Violation of NCAA Bylaw regarding institutional obligation. Institution failed to provide student-athlete with a letter of renewal/nonrenewal. Detected by compliance services. Reported to NCAA.Case Pending Reviewed renewal procedures and awarded student-athlete athletically related financial aid to compensate for the error.
January 19, 2001 Violation of NCAA Bylaw regarding payment based on performance. A student-athlete accepted prize money based on place finish. Reported by coach to compliance services during recruitment process. Reported to NCAA.Student-athlete declared ineligible/later restored.Case Resolved Student-athlete repaid prize money to local charity. Student-athlete withheld from 10% of 2000-2001 matches.
January 24, 2001 Violation of NCAA Bylaw 14.10.2 regarding squad list form. Coach allowed a student-athlete to compete before their name was included on the NCAA squad list. Detected by coaching staff and reported to compliance services. Reported to ACC.Case Pending Coach issued letter of reprimand. Associate athletic director and compliance director met with coach to review the procedures.
January 24, 2001 Violation of NCAA Bylaw regarding payment based on performance. A student-athlete accepted prize money based on place finish. Reported by coach to compliance services during recruitment process. Reported to NCAA.Student-athlete declared ineligible/later restored.Case Resolved Student-athlete repaid first of four installments of prize money to local charity.
