Tuesday 03/03/2009
March 3, 2009
Recap | Box Score | Quotes | Photo Gallery 1 | Photo Gallery 2 | Photo Gallery 3 | Photo Gallery 4
With this win, Clemson now has a 9-6 record in the ACC and hasclinched a winning season in league play for the second consecutiveseason. Clemson was 10-6 in the ACC last year. This is the firsttime in over 40 years that Clemson has had back to back winningleague seasons. Clemson last did it in 1965-66 (8-6) and 1966-67(9-5). This is just the 11th winning season in ACC play for theTigers in 56 years in the league. Clemson now has a 69-29 all-timerecord in home senior night games, including a 30-8 record over thelast 38 seasons. Clemson is 19-8 against ACC teams during thatperiod. Tonight was Clemson’s seventh win in ACC play by at leastdouble digits. That is a Clemson record for a regular season. Theprevious record was six set last year. The victory gave Clemson its23rd regular season victory. This is the most regular season winsfor the program since the 1989-90 season when Clemson had 23regular season wins. The record is 25 by the 1986-87 team. Thatteam won 25 in the regular season, then lost in the first round ofthe ACC Tournament and the NCAA Tournament. Clemson has won 19 ACCgames over the last two years, more than in any two-year period inClemson history. Tonight was the ninth Clemson league win againstthe eighth different team. The Clemson record for different teamsdefeated in an ACC regular season is nine, set last year. Clemsoncould tie that mark with a win over Wake Forest on Sunday. Therecord for a season including the ACC tournament is 10, set lastyear. Clemson added Duke to its list with its ACC TournamentSemifinal win last year. Trevor Booker had his 11th double-doubleof the season in tonight’s win and the Tigers are 10-1 this yearwhen he gets a double-double. It was his seventh double-double inACC play this year, the high figure in the league in ACC play byany ACC player. It was his 20th career double-double, tying him for10th place in Clemson history in that category with Larry Nance(1977-81). Booker had 15 rebounds in the game, including 10 in thesecond half. The 15 rebounds were his high total since he had 16 atMiami on December 21, 2008. It was his fifth straight game of atleast 12 rebounds. Booker got his 200th career blocked shots thisevening and he is now just the second ACC player in history listed6-7 or less with 200 career blocks. Former Maryland center DerrickLewis (1985-88) is the only other ACC player 6-7 or less to reach200 blocks. Raymond Sykes scored 14 points on his senior night.That was his high figure in an ACC game in is Clemson career. Hisoverall career high is 17 against Mississippi last year. Clemsonwon the game this evening despite committing 16 turnovers. Clemsonis now 2-5 this year when committing at least 15 turnovers.Terrence Oglesby made 10-10 free throws for a career high inattempts and makes from the foul line. He was 6-6 on technical freethrows. Technically, Clemson scored 43 bench points this evening, aseason high. Of course that counted 18 points from TerrenceOglesby, who came off the bench so Jesse Yanutola could start onsenior night. Three technical fouls were called on Virginia intonight’s game. There had not been a single technical foul calledon either Clemson or the opposition in 15 previous games inLittlejohn Coliseum this year. Clemson’s defense held Virginiafreshman Sylven Landesberg to three points and no field goals inthis evening’s game. Earlier this year, Landesberg led Virginia inscoring with 23 points on 11 field goals in an 85-81 Virginiavictory in overtime against the Tigers.
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