Monday 06/21/1999
January 6, 1999
Clemson vs. Wake Forest
Littlejohn Coliseum, (11,020) January 9, 1999 4:00 PM
Streaks and Notes
Over the last two times Clemson has met Wake Forest, the Tigershave outscored the Deacs in the second half by an 86-33 margin.Clemson has trailed at the half each of the last two meetings withWake, then came back in the second half to win by 25 and 19 points,respectively. Harold Jamison needs two dunks to reach 100 for hiscareer and 12 points to reach 1000 points for his career. Jamisonis coming off a career high 25 points against NC State lastTuesday. He has 10 dunks the last two games, including six againstNC State. Jamison has been on a tear the last five games, averaging17.2 points and 12.4 rebounds per game. He is shooting 36 for 49from the field during this time. 735. Believe it or not, that isbelow his season field goal percentage of .740. Terrell McIntyreneeds just 10 points against Wake Forest to move ahead of TreeRollins into eighth place on Clemson’s career scoring list. Thesenior guard has 1454 points in 106 games heading into Saturday.McIntyre is also third in career assists and first in three-pointgoals. He needs just five three-point goals to reach the 200 markfor his career. Tom Wideman had his first double-double of theseason against NC State. The senior now has 575 rebounds for hiscareer, 18th in Clemson history. He has 563 career points. Widemanand Jamison have both played in 109 consecutive games for theTigers. Johnny Miller now leads Clemson in assists with 68. This isthe first time since in four years that someone other than TerrellMcIntye leads the Tigers in assists. Miller had a career high 10assists in the win over NC State and has had 37 assists in the lastfive games, 7.4 per contest. Tony Christie is second in Clemsonhistory in career three-point goals by a forward. He has 86 andtrails only Anthony Jenkins, who had 91 (1982-87). Clemson hasallowed opponents to shoot just 38 percent from the field thisyear. Clemson ranked 16th in the nation in field goal percentagedefense heading into the NC State game. That would be the bestfield goal percentage defense by a Clemson team over the last 35years. Clemson’s scoring defense of 56.5 points per game would bethe best by a Clemson team in the last 48 years. Clemson wasseventh in the nation in scoring defense heading into the NC Stategame. Point guard Terrell McIntyre has made at least onethree-point goal in 24 straight games. The Clemson record is 25straight by Chris Whitney in 1992-93. He had gone 22 straight gameswithout having more turnovers than assists prior to the Illinoisgame. Clemson is ranked 21st in the lastest AP poll. This is theeighth straight week Clemson has been ranked in the AP top 25.Clemson is 20th in the ESPN/USA Today poll (coaches) and this isthe fifth straight week in the top 20 of that poll. Clemson willplay top 11 ranked teams Duke (Jan. 20), Maryland (Jan. 24) andNorth Carolina (Feb. 4) in Littlejohn Coliseum during a 16-dayperiod. The Tigers have 14 regular season games left, seven athome, seven away, and all 14 are ACC games.
No Clemson (12-3, 1-1, 21 AP, 20 USA) Pos NO Wake Forest (10-4, 1-1 ACC ) 5 Terrell McIntyre 5-9 182 Sr. G 4 Robert O'Kelley 6-1 185 So. (16.1 PPG., 4.3 APG) (15.1 PPG., 2.4 APG)4 Johnny Miller 6-1 175 Sr. G 31 Ervin Murray 6-5 180 Fr. (6.4 PPG., 4.5 APG) (2.7 PPG., 1.8 RPG)33 Tom Wideman 6-10 250 Sr. C 41 Rafael Vidaurreta 6-9 250 So. (7.6 PPG., 6.7 RPG ) (5.9 PPG, 5.6 RPG)32 Harold Jamison 6-8 250 Sr. F 25 Darius Songaila 6-9 214 Fr. (13.5 PPG., 9.9 RPG) (12.8 PPG, 6.5 RPG)22 Vincent Whitt 6-6 185 Jr. F 44 Josh Shoemaker 6-9 235 So. (6.7 PPG, 3.5 RPG ) (4.4 PPG., 6.4 RPG)
Head Coach: Larry Shyatt (College of Wooster ’73) Head Coach: Dave Odom 12-3 at Clemson, 1st year 192-97 at Wake Forest, 10th year 31-12 overall, 2nd year 230-139 overall, 12th year 0-0 vs. Wake Forest 13-8 vs. Clemson
Series Record: Wake Forest leads 81-49 at Clemson: Clemsonleads 32-28 at Littlejohn Col: Clemson leads 18-12 Last Year: WakeForest won at home, 70-66 Clemson won at Clemson, 71-46 Clemson wonin ACC Trn, 75-56 Streaks: Clemson has won 2 in row Wake Forest haswon 8 of 11 Television: Raycom/Jefferson Pilot (Steve Martin, DanBonner ) ESPN-2 (Dave Woloshin, Jay Bilas) Upcoming ClemsonGames:
Jan. 9 Wake Forest, 4:00 PM (RJ-ESPN-2)Jan. 12 at Florida State, 9:00 PM (RJ)Jan. 17 at Virginia, 1:30 PM (RJ)Jan. 20 Duke, 9:00 PM (ESPN)Jan. 24 Maryland, 4:00 PM (RJ-ESPN-2)Jan. 28 at Georgia Tech,
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