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Lady Tigers Promoting Children’s Literacy

Feb. 16, 2004

CLEMSON, SC – The Clemson Lady Tiger basketball team along with the Clemson University Graduate School are promoting children’s literacy at the Clemson-Maryland game on February 29, at Littlejohn Coliseum at 2:00 p.m.

The Clemson Lady Tigers are asking that fans bring one or more children’s books, new or used and appropriate for ages 1 to 16 to the women’s basketball game on Sunday, February 29, vs. Maryland at 2:00 p.m. Each book donated is good for free admission for one person. Donation boxes will be located at each entrance.

The focus of this project is to provide books for children in Head Start through high school. All of the books collected will be donated to the Littlejohn Head Start Program, Clemson University’s America Reads, the Tamassee DAR School, or Oconee’s Reach and Read Program.

This promotion is designed to support children’s literacy. Children in these programs are given a book, their parents are given a book to read with a young child, or the books are used in reading programs to help children improve their reading skills.

To date, over 800 children’s books have been donated to these programs with this promotion at the Clemson Women’s basketball games the past two years.
