IPTAY Weekend at Clemson Baseball is just days away! Beginning this Friday, April 21 through Sunday, April 23 at the home baseball series between Clemson and Wake Forest, we will celebrate IPTAY and its more than 23,000 donors who support the Clemson Tigers. Each day during the series we will focus on a particular group of membership within the “One-IPTAY” enterprise.
Friday, April 21 will be Collegiate Club night. All current members of the IPTAY Collegiate Club are invited to attend a pre-game tailgate outside of the student-gate of Doug Kingsmore Stadium beginning at 4:30 P.M. The tailgate sponsored by the IPTAY Student Advisory Board, will include lawn games, food and drink, Batter-Up (a blow-up batting game) and even free Clemson baseball t-shirts to the first 500 in attendance! As a reminder, all Collegiate Club members will need to present their 2017 membership card to receive a shirt and gain entry into the tailgate.
Saturday, April 22 we will be thanking the more than 16,000 IPTAY priority donors who support the Clemson Tigers. All priority members who attend the game will be able to pick up a voucher from IPTAY staff for free bag of popcorn! IPTAY tables will be set up near both the third base entrance as well as the home plate entrance. Popcorn vouchers will be available for pick up at both locations with presentation of either their IPTAY 2016 or 2017 membership card.
Sunday, April 23 will be Tiger Cub Club/CATS day! All members of the Tiger Cub Club/CATS will receive free admission (with presentation of their 2016 or 2017 membership card) to the game with their immediate families having the opportunity to purchase tickets at the group rate ($5.00). In addition, all Cub Club/CATS members will receive a postcard in the mail with a voucher for a free cup of Dippin’ Dots ice cream redeemable on the concourse at Doug Kingsmore Stadium. We will also have an inflatable bounce house located behind the Chapman Grandstands open for all members to enjoy. The bounce house will open at 11:30 A.M. and close at the conclusion of the eighth inning.
We are looking forward to IPTAY Weekend at Baseball with great anticipation! IPTAY Weekend is a small way to thank all of our donors that do so much for our athletic program as well as an opportunity to promote IPTAY and its mission to all members of the Clemson Family. We hope to CU at Doug Kingsmore Stadium soon. Go Tigers!
February 6, 2025