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Aug 01, 2018

Food and Beverage


Food and beverage service are available for spectators  at three locations throughout the tournament.  The locations are the Orchard Clubhouse, The Halfway House (at 10th tee box) and The Market.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served under a tented area adjacent to the Orchard Clubhouse according to the following schedule.

  • Breakfast on the 7th and 9th of April from 6-8 am
  • Lunches available daily at 11 am
  • Dinner Buffet available on the 7th and 8th from 6-8 pm

The Halfway House located at the 10th tee box will also be available with standard sandwich fare and a limited menu during tournament play hours.

Credit cards are the only acceptable means of payment for all dining options.

Spectators will also find comfort stations with water located at the 6th and 15th hole tee boxes in addition to the Halfway House. Restroom facilities may also be found at these locations.
