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Faculty, Military Member Honored at Each Home Game

Faculty, Military Member Honored at Each Home Game

Throughout the 2014 football season, Clemson athletics plans to honor both a faculty member and a member of the military at each home game. The on-field presentation will recognize a faculty member for his or her outstanding contribution to the university, and the military honoree will be recognized for their remarkable sacrifice and dedication to the nation.

Nominated by fans through, the Hero of the Game salutes a member of the military, both active duty and veterans, for their heroic actions through military service. This week’s Hero of the Game – Chief Warrant Officer 5 Eric Seymore – served as an Army aviator for 43 years. Until he retired in January of 2014, he was the last serving Vietnam War veteran in the South Carolina Army National Guard.

This week’s Professor of the Game is Dr. Stephen Kresovich, The Robert and Lois Coker Trustees Chair of Genetics/ SmartState Chair of Genomics. He is the director for the institute for translational genomics and oversees a research program in human genetics in collaboration with Self Regional Health Care and Greenwood Genetics Center. His research will help treat autism spectrum disorders and improve diagnostics for acquired and hereditary cancers.

The Hero of the Game will be recognized during the second timeout of the first quarter, while the Professor of the Game presentation is held between the first and second quarters. For more in-game “must-sees” please visit here –
