The sports offootball and soccer both have signing periods that begin Februay 1st. The signing period for football concludes onthe first of April and the period for soccer concludes on August 1st.
Rules Education
Be sure to setup rules education dates for 2006 with the compliance officer assigned to yoursport
Steph- Men’s Basketball, Baseball, Golf,Women’s Tennis, Women’s Soccer, Rowing, Men’s Tennis
Jess- Football, Women’s Basketball,Volleyball, Men’s Soccer, Women’s Track, Men’s Track, Men’s and Women’sSwimming
Forms Available On-Line
Thefollowing forms are available on-line for coaches to print off and fill out:Practice Log, Telephone Log, Squad List Change Form.
New Staff Members
If you have any new coaches on your respective staffs pleaselet Compliance Services know so that a new employee orientation session can bescheduled. Also, contact Stephanie if acoaches recruiting exam needs to be arranged.
Prospective Walk-On Student-Athletes
Remember to notify compliance of anyprospective student-athletes who are interested in walking on to your team thisfall. Compliance needs to add them toour admissions list. Please providestudent social security numbers or CUID’s if they have already applied.
Writing Portion of SAT andACT
The Admissions Office wanted us to remind coaches that awriting sample is required for all incoming Clemson University students. Be advised that the writing section isrequired on the SAT exam, but is optional on the ACT. Prospects taking the ACT must indicate they want the writingportion when they sign up for the test.
Hereare some helpful reminders regarding institutional note cards. If you have additional questions please feelfree to contact Compliance Services.
· Itis NOT PERMISSIBLE to send a prospect a “greeting card” purchased at a store.
· Thereis no limit to the number of different institutional note cards that yourinstitution (or individual sport) can produce
· Itis PERMISSIBLE to have your institutional note cards printed outside of theinstitution.
Newly AdoptedLegislation-Effective Immediately
Hereare some highlights of newly adopted legislation in January that has animmediate effective date:
ProposalNo. 2005-64-B
Allowsstudent-athletes to receive actual and necessary expenses for appearances orparticipation in media activities related to intercollegiate athletics thatoccur during the playing season even if the event is beyond a 30-mile radiusfrom the institution.
ProposalNo. 2005-73
In basketball, permit a member of an institution’s coachingstaff or an institutional staff member with basketball specific duties, toparticipate in coaching activities with nonscholastic-based basketball teams ofthe opposite gender than the team the staff member is associated with at theinstitution.
Proposal No. 2005-75
In sports other than basketball and football, in-person,off-campus recruiting contacts shall not be made with a prospect or theprospects relatives or legal guardian(s) before July 1 following the prospectscompletion of junior year in high school AND eliminates the telephone call to aprospective student-athlete during his or her junior year in high school.
ProposalNo. 2005-78
Permits an institution to provide transportation to aprospective student-athlete from the nearest airport, bus or train station tothe institution’s campus for initial enrollment in the institution’s summerterm, provided he or she has been awarded athletically related financial aidfor the summer.
ProposalNo. 2005-159
Permitsan institution to provide meals for a prospective student-athlete’s childrenduring the prospect’s official visit.
ProposalNo. 2005-172
Requiresan institution to provide prospects’ parents or legal guardians with informationcontained in its academic progress rate and graduation success disclosurereport.
September 12, 2024
September 11, 2024