Vol. 5 No. 8 June 2003
Our team prevailed! 103° temperatures!
Larry Penley can coach and those men can play!
Congratulations to Coach Penley and his team on their
Phil Grayson joined the Tigers on May 1 as the associate athletics director for student-athlete development. Phil is a lefty, plays a mean game of tennis and brings incredible talents and experiences to the staff. His email is and phone is 656-0396.
Jeff Davis joins the team as assistant athletics director formajor gift development. Jeff was an All-American linebacker for theTigers and played on the 1981 National championship team. Jeff andwife Joni have six children, including twin boys who are six andhave signed NLI’s for the 2015-2016 season! Jeff’s phone is656-0388.
Tina Langley joins Jim Davis’s staff. Tina was formerlyassociate head coach at Toledo. She has hit the ground running andrecruiting.
Jenna Burtch, women’s swimming, won top NCAA Post-GraduateScholarship.
Q. Is GSP considered Clemson’s “major” airport?
A. GSP and Atlanta have been identified by NCAA as our major airport – ARS waiver. Coaches can pick up prospects at either and 48-hour clock does not begin until you arrive on campus unless you have dinner en route.
Q. Is it permissible to recruit prospect-aged attendees at a Clemson summer camp?
A. & 06/20/03 INTERPT. Yes, once all camp activities are over. It is not permissible to recruit before camp begins or to talk with recruits during camp activities about wearing the PAW.
Q. During the summer, is it permissible for a 4-4 transfer to use Vickery and weight room?
A. 13.2.7 & 03/28/01 INTERPT. Yes, provided 4-4 has signed an offer of financial aid, been admitted and is enrolled in summer school.
Q. Can Clemson coaches have direct involvement with local sport clubs?
A. & 05/17/00 INTERPT. Yes, in all sports except basketball the coach may be involved as a participant or coach provided all prospects participating live within 50-mile radius. In all sports, a Clemson coach may be involved as a participant or coach in a sport other than the coach’s sport and prospects are within a 50-mile radius. Volleyball coaches must count involvement towards 80 evaluation days if involvement occurs outside contact/evaluation period.
Q. During a visit to the campus can prospects participate in team activities such as running down the hill, pre-game on the field activities?
A. 13.11.4 & 02/20/03 INTERPT. No, because it would alert the public to the prospects’ visit. This official interpt probably was a result of prospects’ pre-game “walk” with UT and UNC football coaches and a little “tunnel” activity in Columbia.
Q. Is it possible to provide a transfer student-athlete serving a year of residency with tickets to an away contest?
A. & 01/29/03 INTERPT. Yes, the student-athlete can receive up to four complimentary admissions.
Q. During a junior’s unofficial visit to Clemson can a coach eat in downtown Clemson with a prospect and their parents provided prospect and parents pay for their own meal?
A. No, because it is considered an off-campus contact with a junior. Eat at Season’s at the Lake because the Madren Center is on Clemson’s campus.
Q. Can a non-qualifier in their first year at junior college attend a Clemson game?
A. Only if they come on their own (bought their ticket) and if they have no contact with any of our coaches.
Q. Could our coaches organize a picnic for prospects and their parents during an unofficial visit?
A. & 01/27/92 INTERPT. Yes, provided no one other than coaches, prospects and their parents eat and they pay for their meals.
Q. Is it permissible for us to take a picture of a prospect on an unofficial visit and scan it into the body of a letter to the project?
A 13.11.7 & 13.4.1 No, NCAA rules do not allow us to provide photographs to a prospect.
Prospect and his brother observed 5-10 minutes of football gamefrom sideline after being asked to leave by football director ofoperations.
Prospect watched football game from President’s Box becausefather was a state senator.
Coach ate a meal off-campus with prospect and mother during anunofficial visit held during quiet period.
Team members gave soda and pizza to prospects who were onunofficial visits after a contest.
Assistant coach provided reduced complimentary admission tothree prospects in exchange for using high school’s facility for asummer camp.
Head coach worked at an “elite” privately owned camp thatprospect attended and subsequently signed with institution.(Problem? Private camp was an invitation only camp and NCAA rulesprohibit coach’s participation.)
Coach worked a private camp that employed prospects ascounselors. (Same problem as above).
December 8, 2024