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Vol. 5 No. 5 March 2003





Remaining test dates for spring 2003 SAT/ACT are:



April 5, 2003 April 12, 2003

May 3, 2003 June 14, 2003

June 7, 2003


Looking ahead to 2003-2004 academic year, the SAT/ACT datesare:



October 11, 2003 September 27, 2003

November 1, 2003 October 25, 2003

December 6, 2003 December 13, 2003

January 24, 2004 February 7, 2004

March 27, 2004 April 3, 2004

May 1, 2004 June 12, 2004

June 5, 2004



Congratulations to former compliance graduate assistants EricWood and Stephanie Ellison on their recent job hirings. Eric is thenew assistant athletic director for compliance at the University ofNew Haven and Stephanie is the new director of legislative servicesand assistant to the commissioner at the Southern Conference.



Compliance Services Mid-Year Report:


Official Visits: 226

Unofficial Visits: 421

Interpretations: 40

Orange Tiger Paw Applications: 67

Black Tiger Applications: 41

Waivers: 16

Secondary Violations: 11


A recent national hot topic has surfaced in the sport of golfand tennis. It appears customary that student-athletes in thesesports play at courses or facilities free of charge or at adiscounted rate during vacation periods by making the course orfacility aware they play intercollegiate athletics. This type ofcustom is considered an extra benefit and could jeopardize thestudent-athletes eligibility. As a reminder for all sports, it isnot permissible for student-athletes to receive preferentialtreatment, benefits or services because of the individuals athleticreputation or skill.



Athletic department staff members may serve in any capacity ata non-institutional camp or clinic under the following conditions:



The camp or clinic is designed to develop fundamental skills ina sport (rather than refine the abilities of skilled participantsin the sport);



The camp or clinic is open to the general public (except forrestrictions in age or number of participants);



The camp or clinic is conducted primarily for educationalpurposes and does not include material benefits for theparticipants (awards, prizes, merchandise or gifts);



Participants do not receive a recruiting presentation; and



All participants reside in the state in which the camp orclinic is located or within 100 miles of the camp or clinic.



An institution’s basketball sports camp or clinic must includean educational session presented in-person or in a video formatdetailing NCAA initial-eligibility standards and regulationsrelated to gambling, agents and drug use to all camp and/or clinicparticipants.



Q: Is it permissible to pay for a professor’s lunch during an official visit when the prospect and professor are meeting to discuss an academic program?

A: Yes, it is permissible but the lunch must be on-campus. NCAA Bylaw (a)

Q: Is it permissible to honor or recognize a high school coach on field or on-court during an institution’s contest?

A: No. This recognition would constitute entertainment of a high school coach. NCAA Bylaw 13.9.1

Q: Is it permissible to allow prospects to participate in team activities during their campus visit?

A: Yes and No. It is not permissible to allow prospects to participate in any team activities that would make the public or media aware of the visit (i.e., on-field pre-game celebrations, celebratory walks, running down the hill). However, it would be permissible for prospects to be included in team meetings, pre-game meals or locker room talks. NCAA Staff Interpretation October 9, 2002

Q: If a prospect flies into the Greenville or Atlanta airport for an official visit and arrives to campus after 8:00 p.m., when does their 48-hour period begin?

A: It may begin the next morning provided the prospect’s transportation to the campus was without delay for personal reasons or entertainment purposes. NCAA Bylaw

Q: Is it permissible to purchase dinner while transporting the prospect to campus without starting the 48-hour period?

A: Yes, only if the meal is ordered “to go” and is eaten in the car or in the hotel room. However, it is not permissible for a coach and a prospect to eat in the restaurant without starting the 48-hour period. NCAA Bylaw

Q: Is it permissible to reimburse a prospect that travels with their parent’s for mileage associated with a car rental from the Atlanta airport to campus?

A: Yes, provided the prospect is reimbursed at the same mileage rate that Clemson uses for its coaches and staff. NCAA Staff Interpretation October 18, 1989

Q: Is it permissible for former Clemson student-athlete’s or professional athlete’s to practice with their former team?

A: Yes, provided the former student-athlete or professional athlete is an alumnus of Clemson and their participation occurs on an occasional basis. NCAA Official Interpretation December 3, 1992


