Vol. 5 No. 3 October 2002
Please update your NCAA Manual to reflect the changes listedbelow:
Bylaw on page 117 should actually be Bylaw17.1.6.1 and inserted onto page 225.
The references in Bylaw should be for Bylaw in the sport of basketballshould read: An enrolled student athlete or a prospectivestudent-athlete enrolled at a two-year collegiateinstitution.
The 2003 recruiting folder (cherry red) re-order has arrived.If you have not done so, please stop by compliance services topick-up the folders.
If you would like to view or print a copy of Clemson’s NCAAGraduation-Rates Report, please visit the following web site:
Please inform your student-athletes that the use of Red Bull energy drink could result in a positive drug test. Red Bull is an impermissible nutritional supplement for distribution by athletics departments for the reasons stated. Red Bull contains caffeine (a banned substance) and a free-floating amino acid. A student-athlete using this product would be held responsible for a positive drug-test from use of this product, and particularly if the intent is to enhance athletic performance.
On Monday, November 11 and Tuesday, November 12, both Eric andBecky will be out of the office attending a conference at the ACC.If you need immediate assistance during that time please contactLinda White or Dr. Cecil Huey.
Prospect recruiting folder audit begins Monday, October 21. Ifyou have not scheduled your meeting please call Anita beforeFriday.
University of Colorado at Boulder
Impermissible recruiting contacts. Outside of permissiblecontact periods, coaching staff members engaged in impermissible”bumps” or contacts with junior prospects. These “bumps” occurredon prospects high school campuses or outside of their homes.
Impermissible clothing items provided to prospects duringofficial paid visits. During official visits prospects wereprovided university athletics apparel during their official paidvisits. As a result, several young men were able to retain theseitems at the conclusion of their official visit.
Contacts with an athletic representative. During officialvisits to campus, prospects were introduced to a representative ofathletics interest who provided tours at a local televisionstation.
Impermissible recruiting publicity. Institution permitted amember of the media and staff photographer to be present during theofficial paid visit to photograph and report on the prospectsactivities.
Excessive recruiting expense reimbursements. Prospects wereprovided with excessive reimbursement for mileage traveled betweentheir homes and local airports during their official visit.Student-hosts were provided excessive entertainment money to hostmultiple prospects during official visit.
Failure to Monitor. The institution failed to adequatelymonitor the use of athletics apparel by prospects and reimbursementfor transportation expenses during official visits.
What we Learned from This Case:
Head coaches set the culture for NCAA rules for their staff.
The practice of “bumping” prospects during non-contact periodsis a violation. “Bumping” crosses the permissible boundaries ofrecruiting legislation even though it is an acceptable practiceamong NCAA coaches.
Any contact with a prospect during a time when otherinstitutions are not contacting a prospect is considered arecruiting advantage.
Multiple secondary violations within a program may collectivelybe considered a major violation.
Prospects may not receive extra benefits or inducements duringthe recruiting process.
Clemson policies and procedures do not allow prospects to useClemson apparel from the equipment room or provide excessivereimbursement for travel during official visits.
Q: Is it permissible to have an off-campus meal with a junior prospect while they are making an unofficial visit to Clemson?
A: No, off-campus contacts with prospects may not occur until July 1 following the completion of their junior year. NCAA Bylaw
Q: Is it permissible to have an off-campus meal with a senior prospect while they are making an unofficial visit to Clemson?
A: Yes, provided Clemson does not pay any expenses or provide any entertainment other than the three complimentary tickets and is counted as a contact. NCAA Bylaw 13.1.6 and
Q: Is it permissible to showing a PowerPoint presentation to prospects?
A: No, it is not permissible for coaching staff members to show prospects computer recruiting presentations (using presentation software) during the recruiting process. NCAA Bylaw 13.4.2
February 5, 2025