Vol. 5 No. 2 September 2002
New employee orientation will begin Tuesday, September24th at 9:30 a.m. in Jervey 115.
The 2004 recruiting folders have arrived. If you have not doneso, please stop by compliance services to pick-up the folders.
The NCAA Initial Eligibility Clearinghouse (IEC) has increasedtheir application fee to $30 effective September 1, 2002. Pleaseremind prospects about this increase.
Prospects may now register with the IEC via the web. Bothdomestic and international prospects can apply online at and click-on the “ProspectiveStudent-Athletes” section. Both student release forms are availablewithin this section for submission to the Clearinghouse. A creditcard is needed to process the application.
The 2003 admission applications are available in complianceservices. As a reminder, prospects may receive a black tigerapplication or an Orange Tiger Paw application. Black tigerapplicants are responsible for paying the non-refundable $40 fee.This protects the prospect from being denied until a decision ismade to offer athletics aid. Decisions to offer aid must be made byApril 1, 2003. Orange Tiger Paw applications are sent after theNational Letter of Intent is signed. The application fee is waivedfor orange tiger paw applicants.
All mass mail outs to prospects and coaches must be approved bycompliance services prior to mailing.
Monthly rules education meetings for coaches will begin in October.
Volunteer coaches may not have contact or eat meals with aprospect off Clemson’s campus during an official or unofficialvisit.
An undergraduate student coach may not receive a free meal at arestaurant facility during a prospect’s official visit unless thecoach has been designated as the student host.
Gas expenses incurred by a student host while transporting aprospective student-athlete during an official visit must be takenout of the permissible student-host entertainment allowance.
If several students host a prospect, the $30 per dayentertainment money may cover the actual and necessary expensesincurred by the prospect and all hosts. However, if the coachingstaff has a meal at a restaurant, only one student host may beprovided a free meal.
FACTS: Head coach permitted a student-athlete to receive a meal at no cost during dinner with a prospective student-athlete even though the prospective student-athlete’s student host was present and also received a meal at no cost. NCAA BYLAW
ACTION: Student-athlete’s declared ineligible and reinstated after the cost of the meal was donated to a charity of their choice. Regulations concerning student hosts were reviewed with head coach. Head coach received a letter of reprimand.
FACTS: Head coach permitted three prospective student-athletes to sit on the institution’s team bench during a contest. NCAA BYLAW
ACTION: Prospect’s declared ineligible and reinstated by NCAA. Head coach received letter of reprimand.
FACTS: During official visit, assistant coach permitted prospect to incur $42.21 in hotel telephone charges. The coach failed to check the room charges prior to the invoice being paid by the institution. NCAA BYLAWS 13.2.1/
ACTION: Prospect’s eligibility reinstated after school received repayment of the benefit. Assistant coach received letter of admonishment.
FACTS: Assistant coach arranged for two student-athletes and a prospect to receive complimentary admission to a professional basketball contest valued at $24 per ticket.
ACTION: Institution required the two student-athletes to repay the value of the benefit to a charity of their choice. Prospect ineligible and institution did not seek to restore eligibility. Assistant coach received letter of reprimand. NCAA Bylaw 13.5.5/
Q: Is it permissible for a student-athlete to pick up a recruit at GSP airport or ride with a coach to GSP in order for the prospect to begin their official visit?
A: No, the student-athlete may not pick up the prospect from GSP or ride with the coach to GSP since the airport is outside the permissible 30-mile radius from campus. NCAA BYLAW
Q: Prospect is arriving at the GSP airport after 7:00 p.m.. When does their official visit 48-hour clock begin? Can we provide dinner for the prospect after he arrives at the airport?
A: The official visit may begin the next morning provided no recruiting activities occur from the airport to the hotel. It is permissible to provide the prospect with a meal on your return to campus. NCAA Bylaw
Q: Is it permissible for President Barker or Mrs. Barker to write to a prospect?
A: For all sports except football, it would be permissible for President Barker to write a prospect after September 1 of their junior year. However, Mrs. Barker may not write prospects since she is considered a representative of Clemson’s interests. NCAA Bylaw 13.4.1(a)/
September 17, 2024
September 16, 2024