Vol. 4 No. 6 March 2002
Clemson Class of 2006
Averages: GPA=3.97, SAT=1257, Class Rank=11%
98 NLI’s have been processed at the ACC office for Clemson.Only 62 Tiger Paw applications have been requested by our headcoaches. Send a memo to compliance and indicate prospect’s fullname and mailing address. Include a copy of the NLI or financialaid agreement with your memo.
Shane Lyons, ACC assistant commissioner for compliance andgovernance, will be on campus all day on Monday, April 29. If youwould like to meet with Shane please let Becky know.
NCAA COACHES CERTIFICATION TEST: Monday, April29. Bring your 2001-02 manual and #2 pencils. The testwill be administered in two different sessions.
8:00 – 8:30 A.M. Review (Optional)
8:30-10:00 A.M. Test
10:00-10:30 A.M. Review (Optional)
10:30-12:00 Noon Test
Coaching staff members will meet with Provost Dori Helms aftertest in room 115 Jervey for a brief meeting. Meeting will begin at10:00 A.M. and end by 10:30 A.M.
Clemson will welcome NCAA Peer-Review Team March 11-14. Teammembers include: Dr. John Hitt, President, Central Florida; Mr.Chuck Bell, athletics director, San Jose State; Dr. Peggy Pruitt,senior associate athletics director (retired), Ohio; Mr. RickAllen, associate athletics director, Oklahoma State; Mr. NickWhite, J.D., Memphis. The team will work from Vickery Hall’s secondfloor for their interviews. They will tour our facilitiesWednesday, March 13 from 11:00 – 12:30.
Recent legislation passed:
Effective immediately: Bylaw – sixcomplimentary admissions may be provided for team membersparticipating in conference tournament.
Effective August 1, 2002: Bylaw –hometown group wanting to recognize student-athlete’s athleticsaccomplishments may pay the athlete’s expenses to return home andreceive the award.
September 2001 – NCAA official interpretation: “It ispermissible for a former student-athlete to receive a benefit ofnominal value (e.g. meal, ride, overnight lodging) on an occasionalbasis from institution provided the institution is not engaged inrecruiting any relative of former student-athlete. [Bylaw13.2.1 and 16.02.3.] Clemson application: sport supervisormust approve a request prior to event.
These are a sampling of secondary violations reported to the
NCAA staff. For fun, we’ve included the excuse for the violation. These violations were reported to NCAA in the past 18 months. All are violations of Bylaw Contact at Prospect’s Practice or Competition Site.
FACT: Assistant coach met with prospect at hotel prior to prospect’s tournament game.
EXCUSE: Assistant coach forgot the rule.
FACT: Assistant coach talked with prospect after competition one evening. It was a tournament and prospect competed again the next day.
EXCUSE: None offered. Better than ‘I forgot”, eh?
FACT: Assistant coach was serving as site coordinator for institutional clinic. Prospect got hurt during clinic. Assistant asked if she was “ok” and then asked if she would like to tour the facility. Prospect was not released from team.
EXCUSE: “I didn’t know that kind of conversation was considered a contact.”
FACT: AAU coach brought six prospects by head coach’s office. Head coach talked with prospects all who had a high school game later that night.
EXCUSE: Head coach did not understand he was responsible for knowing that prospects had a game later that day.
FACT: Golf coach talked to prospect prior to golf tournament starting. Prospect had already signed NLI with school.
EXCUSE: Coach self-reported violation, after realizing contact rules still apply.
FACT: Assistant coach talked with prospect “at the fence” during baseball game.
EXCUSE: “Who, me?” (Actually, did not see the other college coach there.)
FACT: Head and assistant football coaches had contact with prospect on the same day as a high school basketball game.
EXCUSE: Coaches didn’t know game had been rescheduled for that night. Ceased conversation once they learned of game, self-reported to compliance office.
Is it permissible to use a student-athlete as an interpreterwhen telephoning an international prospect?
No. Nebraska’s former swimming coach was cited for thisviolation in their major case.
Is it permissible to have sports information send out weeklypress releases to prospects?
Yes, provided you write a letter and use the release as anattachment (white paper).
Can head coach sign bats, balls, t-shirts, helmets and provideto a silent auction for a high school booster club?
A. No. High school students would indirectly benefit. This applies even when Clemson is not actively recruiting at the high school.
September 12, 2024
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