Vol. 4 No 4 January 2002
WELCOME BACK AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! We look forward to a great spring semester.
Incoming prospects and recertified student-athletes are noteligible for competition until head coach receives updated squadlist and memo from the compliance services office.
Fall sport coaches please provide names of thosestudent-athletes who might be eligible for a medical redshirtthrough the ACC to the compliance services office byTuesday, January 15, 2002.
Student-athlete employment must be approved by head coach andLeslie Moreland prior to commencing their employment.
Incoming student-athletes and walk-ons must complete NCAAdrug-testing form and receive training room physical prior to thestart of practice activities.
Walk-on student-athlete eligibility form completion hours willstill be held on Fridays from 12:00 – 3:00 P.M.
NCAA self-study on-campus visit will occur from March 11-14.Material that was submitted to the NCAA will be provided to headand assistant coaches in the coming weeks.
Upcoming SAT/ACT National Test Dates for Spring
January 26, 2002
March 16, 2002
May 4, 2002
June 1, 2002
February 9, 2002 (except in NY)
April 6, 2002
June 8, 2002
Official Visits = 136
Unofficial Visits = 420
Interpretations = 47
Secondary Violations = 3
Orange Tiger Applicants = 34
Black Tiger Applicants = 35
Waivers = 10
Impermissible employment: From 1993-2000 theinstitution arranged employment for non-qualifier student-athletesat a local business owned and operated by an athleticrepresentative. These student-athletes earned four times the wageof a “like” employee. In 1999, non-qualifier employment wasfacilitated by the athletics department to work for a nationalcable television channel that was broadcasting a home game.As a result the institution exceeded grant-in-aidlimits for those sports the student-athletes wererecruited.
Academic fraud: An assistant professor who wasalso a volunteer flexibility coach for athletics provided copies ofa final exam only to student-athletes prior to the finalsadministration. Assistant professor attempted to disguise finalexam as a study guide. As a result the student-athletesreceived a copy of the final exam prior to its administrationresulting in an extra benefit that rendered themineligible.
Lack of institutional control:The institutionfailed to monitor its student-athlete employment program. Theinstitution did not have any policies or procedures in place foremployment until 1998. Once the policies were established, theinstitution failed to communicate those policies and did notmonitor employment. As a result the institutionreceived a substantial competitive advantage during those years byarranging non-qualifier employment and failing to monitor theiractivities.
Penalties: Four-year probation period;reduction in initial grant-in-aids and overall counters through2005; disassociate athletic representative and ethical conductpenalty on assistant professor.
Is it permissible to write a letter promoting a college summerleague?
Yes, provided there are no high school coaches involved orreceiving the publication. [NCAA Bylaw 30.14]
Is it permissible to advertise a Clemson University camp in ahigh school sports report newspaper produced for area prospects?
It would be permissible to advertise under the followingguidelines:
The advertisement does not exceed ½ page, and
There must be a camp directory within the newspaper that lists institution’s summer camps. Clemson’s camp cannot appear in the periodical by itself. [NCAA Bylaw]
February 6, 2025