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COMPLIANCE NEWSLETTER Vol. 4 No. 1 September 2001


Vol. 4 No. 1 September 2001






Totals for 2001-02 incoming class: On the day school started,110 freshmen were certified by the IEC and enrolled! 10 transferswere enrolled. Great job by you and the prospects!



If you have anyone who wants to “walk-on” the team please havehim or her sign a medical release form in the training room and theNCAA Drug-Testing Consent form in our office before the tryout. Ifthey make the team, have them come by compliance on any Friday from12-3:00 p.m. to complete other eligibility forms.



We have an ample supply of the NCAA’s Guide for theCollege-Bound Student-Athlete. It is a good source ofinformation – come and get them – mail to your top prospects.



Tell your prospects and their parents, high school coaches andguidance counselors about Clemson’s new website! Go, scroll down the page, click on”compliance”. Great information for the entire Clemson community.Eric Baumgartner and Jay Madigan did a great job building the site.




October 13 (register by September 11)

November 3 (register by September 28)

December 1 (register by October 27)


September 22 (registration date has passed)

October 27 (register by September 21)

December 8 (register by November 2)



Greenville-Spartanburg (GSP) and Atlanta are official airportsfor Clemson. You may drive to either and pick prospect up, returnto campus before the “48-hour” clock begins. (NCAA Waiver forClemson, 1998-99 academic year).



For a prospect that arrives after 6:00 p.m. in Atlanta or GSP,you may start their 48-hour clock the next morning, provided norecruiting events occur that evening. Of course, you may providethem with dinner – just don’t have the host there – don’t showfacilities.



Any employee of Clemson athletics may pick-up a prospect at theairport.



When parents rent a car to transport their child from theairport (GSP or ATL) Clemson can reimburse the parents for mileageon the car, but not for the entire cost of the rental car.



Prospects may receive three meals and a dessert or after-dinnersnack at the coach’s home while on an official visit. Also on oneoccasion, a meal or snack may be provided at a coach’s home.



Non-qualifiers presently enrolled in junior college may take anofficial visit after completing their first year at the juniorcollege.



A volunteer coach may not be provided a meal with a prospectthat is on an official visit.



High school or junior college coaches who transport prospectson an official visit may not be reimbursed for mileage.



Prospects on an official visit may be provided threecomplimentary admissions to be used by prospect and others thataccompany him or her. (New NCAA rule – comps are not limited toparents!)



(at other schools)



School did not block use of long-distance telephone inprospect’s room. Prospect made numerous phone calls.


NCAA Response: Prospect ineligible for further recruitment until school was repaid cost of phone calls. HOW CLEMSON PREVENTS THE PROBLEM: Our coaches arrange for phones to be turned off prior to the visit. Also, our coaches are with prospect at checkout to ensure hotel followed through on instructions.


Assistant coach did not return prospect for scheduled departureto the airport. Instead, assistant allowed prospect to enjoy thelocal scenery for two more days.


NCAA Response: Fined the school $500.00. Coaching staff required to attend three compliance seminars before next recruiting period. HOW CLEMSON PREVENTS THE PROBLEM: We hire men and women with integrity to recruit and coach.


Booster dropped by student-athlete’s room who was hosting aprospect on an official visit. Booster stayed and talked withprospect.


NCAA Response: Assistant coach received letter of reprimand. Whole staff required to attend six one-hour compliance sessions. Further, staff lost two official visits for the following year. Prospect permanently ineligible. HOW CLEMSON PREVENTS THE PROBLEM: Educate student-athletes at beginning of the year, give them a handout reminding them of NCAA rules. We remind coaches to keep boosters away from the conduct of official visits.



How can I include my team members and prospects


who are on an official visit in a tailgate on a football game day?

A. There is one way we can do it. Contact Linda White and tell her the number of prospects and team members who want to eat. She will arrange for your group to get food at McFadden and move on out. Team members on a meal plan will “swipe the card” or pay cash if not on a plan. Prospects’ meal will count as one of the three permissible.
