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Announce and Clemson Tiger Sports Properties Introduces ‘Ask Coach Shyatt’ and Clemson Tiger Sports Properties Introduces ‘Ask Coach Shyatt’

Jan. 9, 2002

Listen To ‘Tiger Calls’ | Ask Coach Shyatt
January 14th Location: Clemson Bi-Lo

Each week, Coach Shyatt will choose questions to answerduring Tiger Calls Radio Show which airs Mondays at 7:00 PM. Of thequestions submitted, one will be chosen at random and will bedeemed the weekly winner. The person who submitted the weeklywinner question will receive a basketball autographed by CoachShyatt.

must be filled out completely to be eligible for entry.

Your full name (First, Last, M.I.)

Address, City, State, ZIP

Your E-Mail Address

Your question for Coach Shyatt:

Tiger Calls
Tiger Calls will be available right here LIVE at 7:00 Monday evenings. The show will also be archived before midnight on Mondays for fans to listen to for the rest of the week. For a chance to win a basketball autographed by Larry Shyatt and have your question answered on the air, CLICK HERE.

Monday Night Tiger Calls Media Player Date EventNotes

Download the Free Real Player.

01/14/02 Tiger Calls CoachShyatt takes your calls from Bi-Lo in Clemson.

Download the Free Real Player.

01/07/02 Tiger Calls Listen to Monday nights’ archivedshow as Coach Shaytt takes your calls.
