Monday 06/21/1999
Clemson University: “In Season Every Season”
Nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, on the shores of Lake Hartwell is Clemson University. It is the kind of place that comes to mind when you imagine a college campus. Clemson students speak of the beauty of their campus with pride, but more often they speak of the lifelong friendships they are forging, the quality education they are receiving, and the life they are learning to live.
The Senior Sidewalk
** For Clemson fans, “In Season Every Season” represents the excitement of fall football, the enjoyment of winter basketball or the sunny spring baseball games. However, visitors grasp the face value of the phrase when they witness for themselves the beauty of Clemson’s campus and its surroundings.
** The college opened its doors in 1893 and was an all-male military college until 1955. Clemson expanded its academic offerings and research pursuits and became Clemson University in 1964.
** The campus is located on 1400 acres of what was on what was Fort Hill Plantation, home of the former U.S. Vice President John C. Calhoun and his son-on-law, Thomas Green Clemson. The Calhoun House lies in the middle of campus and is open to the public. There is also the Hanover House, a 1716 French Huguenot home. The home was transported to Clemson in 1941.
** Clemson is nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains and bordered by Lake Harlwell. The city is located in the northwest corner of South Carolina. It is two hours away from both Atlanta and Charlotte.
** Clemson’s mild climate lends itself to many outdoor activities, ranging from tennis to golf, hiking to white water rafting. When one wants to get away, he doesn’t have to go far to find what the coast of Myrtle Beach of the professional sports of the Carolinas and Georgia.
** Myrtle Beach, Hilton Head Island and historic Charleston are an interstate drive away from Clemson. There is also some 926-miles of shoreline that borders the edge of campus. For cooler climates, the North Carolina mountains are only an hour away.
** There are over 50 eating establishments in the Clemson/Pendleton/Central area. Choices range from the downtown style hamburger and barbeque spots to the historic Liberty Hall Inn and Calhoun Corners. One consistent aspect with all the establishments are the tiger paws that adorn many billboards and entrances.
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