Aug. 31, 2001
Clemson, SC – The South Carolina Department of Transportation has announced that the ramp at U.S. Highway 76 (from Anderson) to S.C. Highway 93 (near the former Kelly’s BP station) will be open Saturday to accommodate football traffic.
The ramp at U.S. Highway 123 (from Easley) to S.C. Highway 93 (near Ole Norm’s) WILL NOT be open. Motorists may:
take a detour at Issaquenna Trail toward S.C. 93 or OR continueon U.S. 123, turn left at Ramada Inn onto U.S. Highway 76, and thenbear right toward S.C. 93.
If you are going to the game or you have family and friends coming to Clemson on Saturday, the University encourages you and your visitors to:
allow extra time for the trip. pay special attention to signs,directional signals and instructions given by State Troopers andother law enforcement officers coordinating traffic control.excercise caution on roads into Clemson where some lanes are closedand surfaces may be uneven. accept that traffic will move slowerpast football Saturdays and that you may not be able to take yourusual route to the stadium. be patient.
All vehicles parked in numbered spaces reserved for football parking must be moved no later than 1 a.m. Saturday morning (Sept. 1) for Clemson’s game with the University of Central Florida, which has a 1 p.m. kickoff. Cars remaining in reserved spaces 12 hours prior to games are subject to towing.
This longstanding practice, which frees up parking for IPTAY members attending football games, applies to the following student and employee parking lots: C-3, C-4, C-5, C-6, C-7, C-9, C-10, C-12, E-3, E-4, E-5, E-7, E-14, P-3, P-4, R-2, R-3. Parking is also reserved on Ravenel Road, Avenue of Champions, Centennial Boulevard, Williamson Road, Heisman Street, and on South Palmetto Boulevard, from Williamson Road to Fernow Street.
Make note of these special instructions for campus parking this weekend:
Resident students, whose vehicles are displayed from R-2 andR-3 parking lots, may move them to the grassy area at “Kite Hill,”off McMillan Road near the Fire Station. All federal, state anduniversity vehicles are expected to be moved to the grassy area at”Kite Hill,” off McMillan Road near the Fire Station Clemson AreaTransit will provide transit service on home-football Friday andSunday evenings for those who relocate their cars to Kite Hill. CATwill operate two special buses for three hours each day on Fridayand Sunday from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. After 7 p.m., students may ridethe Campus Connector route to travel between the P-1 lot and WestCampus. CAT route schedules are published on the Web at: Cars parked on these grassy areas adjacentto the P-1 lot during home football games must be moved no laterthan Monday morning.
September 11, 2024
September 10, 2024