May 31, 2002
June 5, 2001
Facts: Violation of NCAA Bylaw Time Periodfor Telephone Calls-General Rule. Assistant coach made animpermissible call to a high school underclassman. Results:Reported to NCAA. Resolved Penalty: Coaching staff notallowed to call PSA for two weeks.
July 23, 2001
Facts: Violation of NCAA Bylaw 13.2.2 SpecificProhibitions (Offers and Inducements)(g). Prospect-aged child of acoach received therapeutic treatment at no charge. Results:Reported to NCAA. Resolved Penalty: Treatment value under$100.00 – reinstatement not sought.
Facts: Violation of NCAA Bylaw MaximumEquivalency Limits. Team limit exceeded for almost four months wheninstitutional grant was credited to student-athlete’s account byfinancial aid data entry staff. Student-athlete did not notify thehead coach or compliance services of award. Results:Reported to NCAA. Resolved Penalty: Student-athlete declinedthe award and account debited. Overage corrected prior to end ofseason. No further action.
September 27, 2001
Facts: Violation of NCAA Bylaw 13.4.1 Printed RecruitingMaterials. Administrative assistant provided recruiting materialsto high school juniors prior to September 1. Reported by theadministrative assistant. Results: Reported to ACC. ResolvedPenalty: Letter of admonishment issued to administrativeassistant.
October 26, 2001
Facts: Violation of NCAA Bylaw Drug TestingConsent Form. Students who were participating in open walk-ontryouts were allowed to practice prior to completing the drugtesting consent form. Results: Reported to ACC. ResolvedPenalty: Letter of admonishment issued to staff member.
Facts: Violation of NCAA Bylaw High SchoolProspects. An assistant coach inadvertently met with a high schooljunior during a recruiting trip. Results: Reported to NCAA.Resolved Penalty: Coach received letter of admonishment.Team required to count the impermissible contact and number ofremaining permissible contacts for prospect reduced by one.
January 28, 2002
Facts: Violation of NCAA Bylaw 13.6.4 Transportation ofincoming student-athlete. Spouse provided prospect with thetransportation to campus. Results: Reported to NCAA.Resolved Penalty: Coach issued letter of admonishment.Compliance director notified of restoration issue by NCAAstudent-athlete reinstatement staff. Eligibility reinstated withoutpenalty.
Facts: Violation of NCAA Bylaw Permissiblerecruiters. Coach’s child attended dinner during prospect’sofficial visit. Results: Reported to NCAA. ResolvedPenalty: Head coach received letter of admonishment. Repaidcost of meal. Prospect’s eligibility reinstated.
March 20, 2002
Facts: Violation of NCAA Bylaw Meal AllowanceLimitation. Student-athlete mistakenly received incorrect per diemfor meal while traveling. Results: Reported to NCAA.Resolved Penalty: Student-athlete repaid difference to theinstitution.
March 26, 2002 Facts: Violation of NCAA Bylaw 16.12.1 General Rule. Student-athlete erroneously received extra benefit of watching in-room movie at hotel.
Results: Reported to NCAA. Resolved Penalty:Student-athlete repaid the cost of the movie to the institution.
March 19, 2002
Facts:Violation of NCAA Bylaw General Rule.Parent of student-athlete received extra benefit of hotel housingdue to hotel error. Results: Reported to NCAA. ResolvedPenalty: Parent repaid benefit to the institution.Student-athlete’s eligibility reinstated.
Facts: Violation of NCAA Bylaw 16.6.1 General Rule.Hotel room of parents of student-athlete inadvertently billed toinstitution. Results: Reported to NCAA. ResolvedPenalty: Parents repaid cost of room to institution.
March 27, 2002
Facts:Violation of NCAA Bylaw and Rule and Telephones and Credit Cards. Student-athletesgained access to coach’s long-distance access code and madetelephone calls without charge. Results: Reported to NCAA.Resolved Penalty: Student-athletes paid cost of telephonecharges. Money donated to charity. Student-athletes eligibilityreinstated.
March 29, 2002
Facts:Violation of NCAA Bylaw & 16.10.1(e)General Rule and Local Transportation. Student-athlete was providedlocal transportation by individual. Results: Reported toNCAA. Resolved Penalty: Student-athlete donated cost ofmileage to local charity. Student-athlete’s eligibility reinstated.
April 2, 2002
Facts:Violation of NCAA Bylaw General Rule.Parent of student-athlete received transportation, meals anddiscounted lodging while attending championship event.Results: Reported to NCAA. Resolved Penalty:Student-athlete declared ineligible.
January 11, 2025