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Clemson Athletics Video Sets New Marks

May 20, 2011

Clemson Athletic Video Services produced a video on May 18, cataloguing the many skits that took place between the Clemson and Davidson baseball teams on Tuesday night, which appears on and The video has become an Internet phenomenon, logging more than 200,000 views so far.

Here are some quick facts compiled by the department regarding the video:

As of now the “Rain Delay Antics” Video has over 215,000 views, but the number is still increasing by the minute.

On May 19 on, Clemson Athletics ranked:

#4 among sports channels on most views with 112,202 to the main YouTube site. The sites ahead of us were, NBA, (a mixed martial arts site from Poland), and Futbision2 (a soccer site representing all Latin American Professional Soccer).

#16 among all channels with 112,202 views, finishing just behind CBS at #11 and American Idol at #7.

#5 in Sports Video views with the “Clemson Rain Delay Antics” video.

#64 in Overall Video views with the “Clemson Rain Delay Antics” video.

The “Rain Delay Antics” video was rebroadcast on the following shows: ESPN – SportsCenter, First Take, Around The Horn, Pardon The Interruption, Sportsnation Fox Sports Net Scene on 7 (Local News) WYFF4 FoxNews – America’s Newroom Today (5/20/11) from 9-11am.

Other Notable Websites that feature the – Video of the – Video of the Day
