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Batson Named to Board of Directors for National Organization

Batson Named to Board of Directors for National Organization

FORT WORTH, TEXAS – Joey Batson, Director of Football Strength and Conditioning Coach at Clemson University, has been elected to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coaches Association (CSCCa). Batson was elected at the organization’s 16th annual national conference in Fort Worth, Texas.

The CSCCa was established in May 2000 to meet the specific and  unique needs of collegiate strength and conditioning coaches around the country. Batson received the prestigious title of Master Strength and Conditioning Coach at the May 2009 MSCC Induction Ceremony.  

Batson is a 31-year veteran in the field who has had a tremendous impact on the profession, as well as on an innumerable number of student athletes who have had the privilege of training under his supervision.

“We are grateful to have Joey Batson serving on the Board of Directors,” said  Executive Director, Dr. Chuck Stiggins. “He has a wealth of experience and knowledge that is of immense value to this organization and to the Board of Directors. 

“He is a tremendous asset, and we are fortunate to have him as a member of our association. We appreciate his willingness to serve in this capacity. He is truly a model of an outstanding strength and conditioning professional.”
