Jervey Athletic Center The Jervey Athletic Center – named in honor of one of Clemsons most beloved sons, Frank Jervey – is a two-level complex that is the home of the Universitys intercollegiate athletic program. The 67,000 square foot building houses under one roof, offices for all of the coaching and related staffs for the 18 Clemson sports, a unique feature that places the center among the most modern of its kind anywhere. These offices are centrally located on the main level and underwent renovation in 1995.
Within the complex is found all of the personnel and related facilities needed to conduct an effective, top-flight intercollegiate athletic program. The main entrance opens into a spacious lobby-reception area where trophy display cases and other memorabilia of Clemson athletics are displayed. Besides the coaching staffs the 50-plus offices on the main level are used by personnel in administrative and sports information personnel. Also on this level are three squad rooms, three conference rooms, a central mailing room, film storage and staff lounge area.
Beneath the main floor are located dressing rooms for all varsity sports. Other facilities on this level include coaches dressing rooms, a spacious training room, sauna and steam rooms, and athletic equipment room. Attached to and complementing the administrative-coaching personnel building is a two-level, multi-purpose structure of 29,000 square feet. The upper level of this building is where the Jervey Gym is located. This 1,000 seat arena serves as home for Clemsons Volleyball team. The lower level of the gymnasium houses the strength training room.
Clemson’s training facility, located on the lower level of the Jervey Athletic Center, is also among the finest in the nation. Supervising the medical needs of over 400 Clemson athletes in the training room is Assistant Athletic Director and Head Trainer Fred Hoover.
The Jervey Athletic Center provides the Tiger athletes with the most modern and up-to-date facilities in the country. Its one reason the Clemson athletic program is recognized as one of the best in America.
Littlejohn Coliseum Littlejohn Coliseum has served as the home court for womens basketball since the sport was started at Clemson in 1975-76. Littlejohn has been a terror to the Lady Tigers opponents as Clemson has won over 68% of its games in the building. Littlejohn Coliseum was dedicated November 30, 1968. The Coliseum takes its name from the late J.C. Littlejohn. Mr. Littlejohn contributed much to the University before his death, and athletic officials felt it only appropriate to name the coliseum after him. Before retirement, Mr. Littlejohn was the business manager of the University. The buildings seating capacity is 11,020 for basketball. There are 9,720 permanent seats, with 1,300 more portable seats around the playing floor. The portable seats can fold against the wall, making the floor more versatile for other activities. Littlejohn is a well-equipped facility. Contained in the coliseum are both the men and womens dressing rooms, a training room, an equipment room, and two visitors’ dressing rooms.The conveniences of the coliseum are unmatched by any school as all the facilities are right next to each other. Basketball is not the only event held in the building, as indoor track meets, concerts, luncheons and speakers are just a few of the activities that take place in the course of the year. The universitys graduation ceremonies are also conducted in the facility.
Weight Room Clemson University has one of the finest weight rooms in the nation. Perhaps the most impressive characteristic of the facility is its size. Several years ago, it was enlarged to an astounding 11,000 square feet, making it one of the largest in the nation. Two years ago, it was expanded to 14,000 square feet. The facility boasts two full lines of Nautilus machines and over 12 tons of weights. The large number of machines and free weights allows the weight room to be used by athletes from several other different sports at the same time, without anyone having to wait in line at a particular station. The plush atmosphere provides an interesting contrast to the physical exertion that takes place in the facility. When an athlete enters the etched glass doors, he is greeted by plush, wall-to-wall carpeting, walls lined with mirrors, ceiling fans, and music from a 26-speaker sound system – a worthy backdrop for well over $500,000 worth of state-of-the-art equipment. Four color television monitors are also positioned throughout the facility. These monitors are used for training and instruction, as Tiger strength coaches film the athletes and work with them on form correction. When not in use for this purpose, the televisions, which are hooked into the sound system provide atmosphere, as most Tiger student-athletes enjoy working out to the tune of the latest music videos. The strength training staff spends long hours working around the various schedules of each sport and even takes the facility on the road when the Tiger football team plays in a bowl game. Recently, the operation of the strength training facility was enhanced by the addition of a new computerized program. Tiger strength coaches are now able to enter all the current strength data on an athlete, and the computer will generate a 10-week conditioning program that will help the athlete reach optimum results. A strength training coach is assigned to each sport to ensure proper training by the athletes.
Vickery Hall Clemson Universitys commitment to provide its student-athletes with the very best of facilities is evident in many ways. From the soaring upper decks of Memorial Stadium, to the state-of-the-art strength training facility, young men and women from all 18 of Clemsons varsity sports have the very best in facilities for training and competition. Vickery Hall is no exception, as the $3 million structure is as impressive aesthetically as any of the other facilities. But the importance of Vickery Hall to the Clemson University Athletic Department is not found in the structure itself, but in the many programs that the building houses.
Vickery Hall opened in the spring of 1991 and was the first in the country built solely for the all-around education of student-athletes. The two-story, 27,000 square -foot building is open throughout the day and into the evening to accommodate the extended schedules of student-athletes.
The mission of the Student-Athlete Enrichment Programs is to monitor, guide, and encourage student-athletes to fulfill their long term goal, and to achieve their academic and career potential.
Vickery Hall focuses on three primary areas to meet the student-athletes needs.
Academic Support Clemsons Student-Athlete Enrichment Programs have provided one of the best academic support and advising programs in the nation.
The proof is in the statistics. A record number of Clemson student-athletes made the academic honor roll in 1997. Eight of Clemson’s 13 Sports programs had a higher GPA than the student body average in the 1997 Spring semester. The Academic Counselor performs a variety of duties to track academic progress. Their duties include providing assistance in registration and priority scheduling, contacting faculty, personally checking classes, recording information, counseling sessions with student-athletes, providing diagnostic testing, and directing career aspirations.
One of the most prestigious programs that has received recognition essential to the growth of Vickery Hall is the tutorial program.
The Student-Athlete Enrichment Program has been granted a Level 1 certification from the College of Reading and Learning Association, International Tutor Certification Program. Of the 160 programs certified by CRLA, the Clemson Student-Athlete Enrichment Program is one of three student-athlete programs in the country to achieve this distinction.
Having tutor certification enables student-athletes to be provided the highest quality of academic assistance possible. Approximately 80 tutors are hired to provide academic support in the many subject areas offered.
The Department of Student-Athlete Enrichment Programs has recognized the need for students to have access to high-quality computing equipment and has made a commitment to provide the student-athletes at Clemson with the largest computer lab in the country. Located on the first floor of Vickery Hall is the Department of Student-Athlete Enrichment Programs Microcomputer Laboratory. The lab is open seven days a week, for 16 hours on Monday through Thursday, and limited time on Saturday and Sunday. During exam periods the lab hours are extended.
The lab staff has a full-time computer manager in Greg Barron, and also graduate students, many of whom are pursuing advanced degrees in computer science. Lab staff members are available for tutoring of any Computer Science course, as well as the many management, engineering and business courses that deal with personal computers.
The Student-Athlete Enrichment Program is committed to providing state-of-the-art computing facilities. New computers have recently been purchased bringing the lab to a state of the art facility. Over 40 computers are available for student-athletes.
All computers are fully connected to the internet allowing for access of computers throughout the world for research and communication.
Personal Growth Program One of the most important programs that helps student-athletes reach their full potential and engage successfully in this college experience is the Personal Growth and Development Program.
The purpose of this program is to assist the student-athlete in making a successful transition into his/her university and athletic life. These programs will provide the student-athlete the opportunity to examine and explore issues and topics pertaining to his/her values, personal health and wellness, behavior, and goals. The specific topics will encompass both general transition issues and specific athletic issues as well.
Career Assistance Program The Career Assistance Program provides student-athletes an opportunity to fulfill career aspirations by participating in various career seminars offered by the staff at Vickery Hall. The philosophy of this program is to provide student-athletes with job searching skills and strategies, internships, practicum experience as well as summer employment. These programs are designed to address specific career opportunities through a program that uses each year to gain information on the student-athletes.
By using the resources available to the University, Alumni Center and the Athletic Department, former Tiger Track Coach, Wayne Coffman is working to establish a network of businesses, companies, and executives who will help assist with The Summer Employment Assistance Program. The programs main goal is to provide the student-athlete with job experience and a work history, which he or she can apply to his or her academic discipline.
The Career Assistance Program, also coordinated by Earle, is coordinated from the academic colleges, the Placement Center, and through the Athletic Department contacts. This program is designed to better prepare the student-athlete for full-time employment and focuses on resume writing and interview techniques.
February 7, 2025