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Academic Support

Academic Support

[Counselors Role] [Reports] [Faculty Awareness and Support] [Eligibility and Recruiting][Goals and Expected Results] [Monitored Study Hall] [Tutoring] [Academic Learning Lab] [Academic Honor Roll] [Academic Hall of Fame] [Honor Roll Banquet]

Tracking the progress of student athletes
The Role of the Academic Counselors
The Academic Counselors perform a variety of duties to track the academic progress of student athletes. These duties include:
  • Providing assistance with registration and priority scheduling.
  • Contacting faculty to monitor each student athlete progress in classes.
  • Personally checking classes for student athlete attendance.
  • Recording information on the progress of each student athlete.
  • Meeting with student athletes weekly to assess progress and inquire about personal and academic problems.
  • Arranging special tutoring for student athletes encountering problems in the classroom.
  • Providing diagnostic testing when necessary.
  • Directing career aspirations to the career enhancement specialist.

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Study hall reports are generated from the monitor sign-in sheets and tutor evaluation forms. These reports are sent to the athletics administration and all head coaches. Grade reports are prepared for each student athlete four times per semester and are also presented to the administrators and head coaches. These reports are generated from telephone calls made to the faculty regarding the attendance and academic progress of the athletes. These findings enable the academic counselors to provide intervention in the learning process and to help student athletes develop learning strategies.

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Faculty Awareness and Support
The Student Athlete Enrichment Programs believes it is vital to develop a rapport with faculty to gain support for the programs and thus support student athletes toward achieving their career goals. The feedback from faculty has been invaluable in helping to track the progress of student athletes. Faculty members are invited to tour Vickery Hall and learn about the services offered to student athletes. By becoming aware of the mission of this program, the faculty have shown a great deal of enthusiasm and support for athletes enrolled in their classes.

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Eligibility and Recruiting
The academic counselors assist coaches with recruiting and complying with all University and NCAA eligibility rules. A report is generated detailing the continued eligibility status of student athletes.

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Goals and Expected Results
  • Improve academic performance.
  • Assist student athletes in becoming goal oriented and aspiring to those goals.
  • Assist with career planning and preparation for the working world.
  • Attain higher overall graduation rates and grade point averages.
  • Increase the number of student athletes receiving academic honors and recognition.
  • Promote graduate work and increase postgraduate scholarships and opportunities.
  • Promote and encourage all student athletes to maintain good academic standards.

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Providing an environment for learning

Monitored Study Hall
All Incoming freshmen and transfer students are required to attend monitored study hall five nights each week. Student athletes are encouraged to bring sufficient materials for two hours of nightly study. A monitor is present to ensure that the athletes are on time and utilizing study time to its fullest. The monitors are instructed to accurately record the attendance and study habits of each student athlete assigned to their rooms. Student athletes can earn their way out of mandatory study hall by maintaining a minimum grade point average of 2.00. 

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The Student Athlete Enrichment Programs maintain and supervise an extensive staff of tutors. The professional tutoring staff is comprised primarily of graduate students recommended by the faculty. These graduate students have established superior competence in their academic disciplines. The primary goal of the tutoring program is to provide student athletes with academic assistance beyond that which they receive in the classroom. In order to accomplish this goal, the tutors are able to understand and clearly communicate course content to the students. Tutors are available during study hall and may be arranged as necessary. 

The tutors are an integral part of a team effort to help student athletes succeed at Clemson University. The academic tutors at Vickery Hall motivate students and promote effective study habits. Tutors work in small groups and individually to meet the academic needs of each student athlete. Following a tutoring session, each athlete is evaluated for preparedness, comprehension, and the success of the session. 

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Subjects Tutors are Available for:
Accounting French Mathematical Sciences
Art Education Geography Mechanical Engineering
Astronomy Geology Music
Biology German Political Science
Chemistry History PRTM
Chemical Engineering Industrial Education Psychology
Civil Engineering Italian Religion
Computer Science Law Sociology
Economics Management Spanish
Education Management Science Speech
English Marketing Textiles
Finance Math Education Theater

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A program of supplementary instruction

The Academic Learning Lab
In our continuing commitment to provide the student athletes every advantage, Student Athlete Enrichment Programs has implemented an academic learning lab which includes a state-of-the-art computer-based instructional program. The academic learning lab is a self paced program of computer-based course work in the areas of writing, reading, math, keyboarding, geometry, and algebra. The program is used to help quickly diagnose and correct any learning gaps the student athletes may have. 

Through diagnostic testing, the computer is able to identify deficiencies and prescribe individual studies to improve these areas. An individual educational plan is developed for each student based on an assessment of skill weaknesses. In using the academic learning lab, students have been able to quickly improve their math and English skills, enabling some students to increase their grade levels by as much as three years in a single semester. Students enjoy using the computer, working at their own pace, and seeing improvements in their English and Math classes. The academic learning lab is available to all student athletes at whatever times they choose. 

By supplementing their education in this way, the program strives to: 

  • Help student athletes become confident, independent learners. 
  • Provide students with the knowledge and academic skills necessary to perform at a satisfactory college level. 
  • Help student athletes to meet or exceed a 2.00 grade point average. 
  • Increase the reading levels, retention, and graduation rates of student athletes. 

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Special Honor Roll Recognition

Student Athlete Academic Honor Roll
The Student Athlete Enrichment Programs and Clemson University Athletic Department recognize the importance of student athletes who excel in their studies. To earn a position on the athletic academic honor roll, students must earn a 3.00 grade point average during either the fall or spring semester.

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Academic Hall of Fame
Student athletes who receive postgraduate scholarships will be honored with the presentation of their framed pictures along the Academic Hall of Fame in Vickery Hall. 

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Honor Roll Banquet
Student athletes are given special recognition for their academic achievements at the annual honor roll banquet. The banquet also recognizes corporate sponsors, as well as the University trustees and president. The evening itinerary includes: 

  • Dinner, guest speaker, and printed program.
  • Post-graduate scholarship recipients for the Academic Hall of Fame.
  • Presentation of the All Academic Team video and award (one junior or senior from each team with the highest overall GPA over 3.00).
  • Recognition of the student with the most improved grade point average from fall to spring semester.
  • Recognition of the coach and athletic advisor whose team earned the highest annual grade point average.
  • Awards presented by corporate sponsors.

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Vickery Hall Home Page is maintained by Steve Coleman. Last Modified: 29 December 1997.
