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IPTAY Collegiate Club Senior Send-Off Set For Thursday, November 9

IPTAY Collegiate Club Senior Send-Off Set For Thursday, November 9

We are excited to invite all IPTAY Collegiate Seniors who graduate in December 2017, May 2018 and August 2018 to the upcoming Senior Send Off event in the WestZone Club of Memorial Stadium on Thursday, November 9! The Senior Send Off event will include FREE food & drink, a gift, music, a photo booth, Memorial Stadium portrait opportunity and games!

The event will run from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. All Senior Collegiate Club members are invited and those who attend will receive a 2016 Clemson Football National Championship flag*. Please RSVP  by Friday, November 3 by clicking HERE and we look forward to seeing you on Thursday, November 9!

Thanks again for your support of IPTAY by being a member of the Collegiate Club. Go Tigers!

*Must attend the event to receive the gift. 
