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Duke 92, Clemson 78


                          FG   3PT    FT     Reb
 No Player           Min  M-A   M-A   M-A    O-D-T   A PF ST TO BK PTS
  4 Carlos Boozer     27  3-6   0-0   2-2   5-5-10   1  5  2  1  1   8
 23 Chris Carrawell   39  6-16  0-3   7-8    2-4-6   3  1  0  0  1  19
 31 Shane Battier     40  8-15  7-10  3-4    0-4-4   2  2  1  0  4  26
 14 Nate James        25  3-8   1-3   0-0    2-3-5   0  5  1  3  0   7
 22 Jason Williams    40  5-10  1-5   5-8    0-7-7   8  1  1  3  0  16
  3 Nick Horvath      17  2-4   2-3   6-8    1-2-3   2  2  0  1  1  12
 41 Matt Christensen   9  1-1   0-0   0-0    2-1-3   0  1  0  0  0   2
 15 Andre Buckner      3  0-0   0-0   2-3    0-0-0   0  1  1  0  0   2
    Totals           200 28-60 11-24 25-33 12-26-38 16 18  6  8  7  92

Percentages: FG .467, 3PT .458, FT .758. Team Rebounds: 2. Team Turnovers: 0.

CLEMSON FG 3PT FT Reb No Player Min M-A M-A M-A O-D-T A PF ST TO BK PTS 55 Adam Allenspach 25 4-12 0-1 3-5 3-3-6 1 2 0 1 1 11 3 Andrius Jurkunas 28 2-5 2-5 0-0 0-3-3 2 2 0 1 0 6 42 Chucky Gilmore 27 1-3 0-0 0-3 1-3-4 1 3 0 0 1 2 15 Will Solomon 40 10-26 3-11 3-6 1-5-6 9 4 2 6 1 26 10 Ed Scott 30 4-5 3-3 0-0 0-2-2 2 3 0 4 0 11 21 Ray Henderson 19 4-5 0-0 2-2 5-2-7 0 1 0 0 1 10 24 Dustin Braddick 19 3-6 0-0 0-1 3-0-3 2 3 0 2 0 6 33 Pasha Bains 10 2-3 1-2 1-2 1-1-2 0 5 1 0 0 6 31 Tomas Nagys 1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0-0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Walker Holt 1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 200 30-65 9-22 9-19 14-19-33 17 24 3 14 4 78

Percentages: FG .462, 3PT .409, FT .474. Team Rebounds: 3. Team Turnovers: 0.

Duke 45 47-92 Clemson 29 49-78

Officials-Curtis Shaw, Steve Gordon, Jamie Luckie.


Clemson vs. Duke

Littlejohn Coliseum, Clemson, SC, March 1, 2000

Clemson Starters: Solomon, Jurkunas, Scott, Gilmore, Allenspach

Duke Starters: Boozer, James, Williams, Carrawell, Battier

Time CUDUDescription of the Game
20:00Clemson controls the tip
19:49 2 Gilmore with the layup from Jurkunas – fouled by Battier (1p1t)
Gilmore misses the FT
19:36 2Boozer fouled by Gilmore (1p1t) – Boozer makes both FTs
18:48 4Carrawell with a jumper from the free throw line
18:27 5Jurkunas with a deep three from the top
18:06 6Boozer with a power move inside from Battier
17:49Scott with a foul on the offensive end (1p2t)
16:55 8Williams with a jumper on the break from the free throw line
15:12Scott with a foul (2p3t) on the rebound – TV TO
Braddick and Henderson come in for Gilmore and Scott
Horvath and Christensen come in for James and Boozer
15:01Christensen over the back for a foul (1p2t)
14:26 7Henderson with a putback for two of an Allenspach miss
14:03Gilmore comes in for Allenspach
Boozer comes in for Christensen, James comes in for Carrawell
13:37 9Henderson with a finger roll for two from Solomon
13:2010Battier with a jumper from the corner
12:57Carrawell comes in for Horvath
12:4413Battier hits a three from the wing
12:1316Battier hits another three from the same spot
12:03Clemson calls a TO
11:5411Braddick with the alley-oop lob from Jurkunas
11:3518Carrawell hits a two from the top
11:0812Solomon is fouled by Carrawell (1p3t) – Solomon misses, makes the FTs
Allenspach and Scott come in for Henderson and Braddick
10:1213Allenspach is fouled by James (1p4t) – Allenspach misses, makes the FTs
Henderson comes in for Gilmore
9:14Horvath and Christensen come in for Boozer and James
Jurkunas is injured and he is replaced by Braddick
9:0621Battier hits a three from the top from Carrawell
8:4415Solomon hits a jumper from the corner
8:2424Horvath hits a three from the top from Williams
8:0217Allenspach with a layup from Braddick
7:4127Battier hits a three from the corner from Horvath
7:2019Henderson hits a driving one hander
7:00Braddick with a hand check (1p4t) – TV TO
Bains comes in for Scott, Gilmore comes in for Allenspach
6:3522Solomon hits a three from the top
5:1629Christensen with the putback of a Carrawell miss
4:2432Battier with another three from the wing
4:11Clemson calls a TO
Boozer and James come in for Christensen and Horvath
Scott and Allenspach come in for Henderson and Bains
3:3534Carrawell jams a Williams pass in for two
3:06James with a reach in foul (2p5t) – TV TO
2:53Carrawell is fouled by Braddick (2p5t) – ruled an intentional foul –
Jurkunas comes in for Braddick
35Carrwell makes, misses the FTs
2:4938Battier hits a three from the corner from Carrawell
2:25James with the foul (3p6t)
Horvath comes in for James
2:1825Solomon hits a three from the top
1:33Henderson comes in for Allenspach
Duke calls a TO
1:2341Horvath hits a three from the corner from Williams
1:0727Scott with a jumper from the top for two
:5343Boozer with the inside move for two from Horvath
:3929Henderson with a putback of a Solomon miss
:0345Carrawell with a runner in the lane for two

HALF: Duke 45, Clemson 29

SECOND HALF: Clemson vs. Duke

Clemson Starters: Solomon, Jurkunas, Scott, Gilmore, Allenspach
Duke Starters: Carrawell, Battier, Williams, Boozer, James

Time CUDUDescription of the Game
20:00 2945Clemson begins play
19:2347James with a layup from Carrawell after a James miss
19:0149Boozer powers in a short one from Williams
18:39Henderson comes in for Allenspach
17:4531Henderson is fouled by Battier (2p1t) – Henderson makes both FTs
Braddick comes in for Jurkunas
17:31James with the charging foul (4p2t) over Henderson
Horvath comes in for James
17:07Boozer over the back with the foul (1p3t)
16:49Allenspach comes in for Henderson
16:3851Williams with a driving layup for two
16:2833Solomon with a slashing layup for two
16:05Allenspach with the layup from Solomon – fouled by Boozer (2p4t)
36Allenspach to the line – he makes the FT
Nagys comes in for Gilmore
Christensen comes in for Boozer
15:5153Carrawell with the layup from Williams
15:2238Braddick with putback for two – fouled by Horvath (1p5t) – Braddick misses the FT
14:5554Horvath is fouled by Nagys (1p1t) – Horvath misses, makes the FTs
Jurkunas and Henderson come in for Braddick and Nagys
14:4240Solomon with an arching jumper from Allenspach
14:1643Scott hits a three from the wing from Solomon
13:5256Carrawell with a jumper from the free throw line
13:34Horvath with the foul (2p6t)
Boozer and James come in for Horvath and Christensen
Gilmore comes in for Henderson
12:16Gilmore is fouled by Boozer (3p7t) – Gilmore misses both FTs
11:3946Scott hits a three from the wing from Solomon
11:31Duke calls a TO
11:2259Williams hits a three from the wing
10:5461Williams drives the length of the court and makes the layup
10:41TV TO
10:20Henderson with a reach in foul (1p2t)
9:59Gilmore with the foul (2p3t) on the rebound
9:12Allenspach comes in for Gilmore
9:0248Solomon with a driving layup
8:5164James hits a three from the corner from Williams
8:2966Williams with a steal and jam on the other end
8:0350Braddick with a driving layup
7:32Boozer with the offensi ve foul (4p8t)
TV TO – Jurkunas and Bains come in for Henderson and Scott
7:1052Allenspach with a layup from Braddick
6:3369Battier hits a three from the top from Williams
5:2853 Allenspach is fouled by Boozer (5p9t) – Allenspach makes, misses the FTs
Christensen comes in for Boozer
5:14Bains with the hand check foul (1p4t)
Gilmore comes in for Allenspach
4:4771James puts back his own miss for two
4:1856Jurkunas hits a three from the wing
Clemson calls a TO
Horvath comes in for Christensen
3:5059Scott hits a three from the top from Solomon
3:40Solomon with a hand check foul (1p5t)
3:3673Horvath is fouled by Gilmore (3p6t) – Horvath makes both FTs
3:2561Solomon with a drving layup for two
3:11Duke calls a TO
2:5574Williams is fouled by Bains (2p7t) – Willliams makes, misses the FTs
2:54Solomon is fouled by Williams (1p10t) – Solomon misses both FTs
Allenspach comes in for Gilmore
2:5362Bains is fouled by James (5p11t) – Bains makes, misses the FTs
Buckner comes in for James
2:4764Solomon hits a short jumper after grabbing the rebound
Clemson calls a TO – Braddick comes in for Gilmore
2:44Buckner is fouled by Bains (3p8t) – Buckner misses the FT
Braddick comes in for Gilmore
2:3666Allenspach with a layup
2:3176Carrawell is fouled by Allenspach (1p9t) – Carrawell makes both FTs
2:2377Battier is fouled by Jurkunas (1p10t) – Battier misses, makes the FTs
2:1668Solomon is fouled by Buckner (1p11t) – Solomon makes both FTs
Braddick comes in for Allenspach
2:0779Carrawell is fouled by Braddick (3p11t) – Carrawell makes both FTs
Allenspach comes in for Braddick
Duke calls a TO
2:0071Solomon with a deep three from the wing
1:56Williams is fouled by Solomon (2p12t) – Williams misses both FTs
1:4681Buckner is fouled by Solomon (3p13t) – Buckner makes both FTs
1:3482Horvath is fouled by Allenspach (2p14t) – Horvath misses, makes the FTs
1:2374Bains hits a three from the wing from Solomon
Clemson calls a TO
Braddick comes in for Allenspach
1:2084Horvath is fouled by Jurkunas (2p15t) – Horvath makes both FTs
Allenspach comes in for Braddick
1:0676Bains with a layup after Scott fires a mid court pass to him
1:0386Williams is fouled by Solomon (4p16t) – Williams makes both FTs
:5288Williams is fouled by Scott (3p17t) – Williams makes both FTs
:2890Battier is fouled by Bains (4p18t) – Battier makes both FTs
:2078Solomon with a driving layup for two
:1792Carrawell is fouled by Bains (5p19t) – Carrawel makes both FTs
Braddick comes in for Bains
Holt comes in for Jurkunas

FINAL SCORE: Duke 92, Clemson 78

Duke is now 23-4 (14-1 in the ACC) and they host North Carolina on Saturday, March 4, 2000

Clemson is now 10-18 (4-11 in the ACC) and they travel to Georgia Tech on Saturday, March 4, 2000
