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Clemson vs. Florida State Play By Play


Littlejohn Coliseum, Clemson, SC

Clemson Starters: Solomon, Jurkunas, Scott, Gilmore, Allenspach

Florida State Starters: Arrington, Damous Anderson, Hale, Simmons, David Anderson

Time  CU FSU Description of the Game
20:00        Clemson controls the tip
19:29      2    Arrington with a steal and layup on the other end
19:10  3     Jurkunas with a three from the top
18:26      5    Damous Anderson hits a three from the corner from Simmons
17:46      7    Damous Anderson with a putback for two
17:23  5     Allenspach with a turnaround layup
16:46        Braddick comes in for Allenspach
16:32      9    Simmons with a jumper from the corner
15:58        TV TO
                Mott comes in for David Anderson
15:36  8     Jurkunas hits a three from the top
14:55        Allenspach and Henderson come in for Jurkunas and Gilmore
                A. Dixon comes in for Damous Anderson
14:31     11    Arrington with a driving layup for two
13:59           A. Dixon with an over the back foul (1p1t)
                Tucker comes in for Simmons
             Jurkunas comes in for  Braddick
13:34 10     Allenspach fouled by Hale (1p2t) - Allenspach makes both FTs
13:23    13     Hale hits a jumper above the free throw line
13:15           Tucker with a hand check (1p3t)
13:00 13     Solomon hits a three from the right corner
12:45        Solomon with a reach in foul (1p1t)
                Damous Anderson comes in for Hale
12:24 16     Jurkunas hits a three from the top from Solomon after a Henderson screen
11:47 19     Solomon hits a three from the left corner from Scott
11:26        TV TO - Bains comes in for Scott
                N. Dixon, Simmons and Hale come in for Tucker, A. Dixon, Mott
11:06 21     Allenspach with a layup from Solomon
10:49    15     Hale is fouled by Jurkunas (1p2t) - Hale makes both FTs
                Chlebek comes in for Arrington
             Scott comes in for Solomon
10:14        Gilmore comes in for Henderson
 9:46    17     Damous Anderson with a short jumper
 9:14 24     Jurkunas with a three from the wing from Allenspach
 9:07        Scott with a hand check foul (1p3t)
             Solomon comes in for Bains
                Arrington and David Anderson come in for Chlebek and N. Dixon
 7:52        TV TO - Braddick and Henderson come in for Scott and Allenspach
 7:03 27     Solomon hits a three from the corner after a double clutch
 6:40    19     David Anderson with a jumper from the wing
 6:17           Tucker with a push off foul (2p4t)
             Jurkunas comes in for Braddick
 5:46    21     Damous Anderson with a layup from Hale
 5:18        Allenspach comes in for Gilmore
                Simmons comes in for Tucker, Chlebek comes in for Arrington
 4:57 28     Henderson is fouled by Simmons (1p5t) - Henderson makes, misses the FTs
 4:17        Scott with a hand check foul (2p4t)
                Mott comes in for David Anderson
             Braddick comes in for Scott
 3:53  22    Simmons is fouled by Henderson (1p5t) - Simmons makes, misses FTs
                A. Dixon and Arrington come in for Chlebek and Hale
             Gilmore comes in for Henderson ----- TV TO
 3:24 30     Gilmore with a short jumper
 2:57    23     Damous Anderson is fouled by Allenspach (1p6t) - Anderson misses, makes
 2:46           Damous Anderson with the foul (1p6t)
 2:29 32     Gilmore with a half hook inside for two
 2:17        Jurkunas is fouled by  Mott (1p7t) - Jurkunas to the line - first FT nullified by a lane violation against Clemson
             Henderson comes in for Allenspach
                Hale comes in for A. Dixon
  :42 33     Henderson is fouled by Mott (2p8t) - Henderson makes, misses the FTs
                N. Dixon comes in for Mott
             Allenspach comes in for Henderson
             Clemson calls a TO
  :06 35     Solomon with a runner for two

HALF: Clemson 35, Florida State 23

SECOND HALF: Clemson vs. Florida State

Clemson Starters: Solomon, Jurkunas, Scott, Gilmore, Allenspach

Florida State Starters: Arrington, Damous Anderson, Simmons, David Anderson, Hale

Time  CU FSU Description of the Game
20:00 35  23    Florida State begins play
19:25     26    Damous Anderson hits a three from the wing
18:58 38     Solomon with a driving layup - fouled by Hale (2p1t) - Solomon makes the FT
18:05 40     Allenspach jams a layup from Solomon
17:50     28    Hale is fouled by Scott (3p1t) - Hale makes both FTs
             Braddick comes in for Scott
16:48 42     Jurkunas with an alley-oop layup from Solomon
16:09        Henderson comes in for Allenspach
                Mott comes in for David Anderson
15:50 45     Henderson with the layup - fouled by Mott (3p2t) - Henderson makes the FT
                Tucker comes in for Simmons
             TV TO
15:03 47     Braddick with an inside move for two
14:44     29    Damous Anderson is fouled by Braddick (1p2t) - Anderson misses, makes F
                N. Dixon and A. Dixon come in for Hale and Mott
             Scott and Allenspach come in for Jurkunas and Gilmore
14:33 49     Henderson with a jumper inside
13:48           N. Dixon with a foul inside (1p3t)
13:40           Tucker with a hand check foul (1p4t)
             Simmons and Hale come in for N. Dixon and Tucker
13:37 51     Solomon with a leaner inside for two
12:55 53     Scott with a one handed jumper from the wing
12:46           Florida State calls a TO
             Gilmore comes in for Henderson
12:35     31    Damous Anderson with the layup from Simmons
12:22        Scott with the holding foul (4p3t)
             Jurkunas comes in for Scott
12:08     34    Damous Anderson hits a three from the top
11:53           A. Dixon with a foul (2p5t)
             TV TO
11:30 55     Solomon with a driving layup for two
11:15     36    Damous Anderson with a driving scoop shot for two
10:53 58     Jurkunas hits a three from the top from Allenspach
 9:54        Henderson comes in for Allenspach
                David Anderson comes in for Simmons
 9:27 60     Gilmore with a spin move inside for two
 9:15        Gilmore with a hand check foul (1p4t)
                Mathis comes in for Hale
 8:54     38    Damous Anderson with a layup after a steal and pass from Arrington
 7:51     40    Tucker with a short jumper from Hale
 7:40           Clemson calls a TO
             Scott and Allenspach come in for Braddick and Henderson
 7:19           Mathis with a pushing foul (1p6t)
             TV TO
                A. Dixon and Chlebek come in for Arrington and Mathis
 7:15 62     Allenspach is fouled by Tucker (4p7t) - Allenspach makes both FTs
                Braddick comes in for Scott
                Arrington comes in for Chlebek
 7:03     43    Arrington hits a deep three from the left wing
 6:36 64     Allenspach with the turnaround from Jurkunas
 6:20     46    Damous Anderson hits a three from the wing
 6:01 67     Solomon hits a three from the corner from Jurkunas
 5:23 70     Solomon hits a three from the corner from Allenspach
 5:08     48    A. Dixon is fouled by Gilmore (2p5t) - Dixon makes both FTs
                Simmons comes in for Tucker
             Scott comes in for Braddick - Henderson comes in for Gilmore
                Mathis comes in for A. Dixon
 4:50 72     Solomon hits a jumper just inside the three point line
 4:37     49    Arrington is fouled by Allenspach (2p6t) - Arrington makes, misses the FTs
 4:06     50    Mathis is fouled by Henderson (2p7t) - Mathis makes, misses the FTs
 3:37 75        Solomon hits an off balance three from the top of the key
 3:23     52    Mathis is fouled by Solomon (2p8t) - Mathis makes both FTs
             Braddick comes in for Allenspach
             TV TO
                A. Dixon comes in for Mathis
 2:49 77     Solomon hits a two from the wing
 2:07 80     Solomon hits a two from the wing
 1:40 81     Scott is fouled by Simmons (2p8t) - Scot makes both FTs
                Nagys, Bains and Holt come in for Solomon, Henderson and Jurkunas
                Chlebek and Mathis come in for Simmon and Arrington
             Crocker and Powell come in for Braddick and Scott
 1:12     54    Damous Anderson is fouled by Bains (1p9t) - Anderson makes both FTs
                N. Dixon comes in for Hale, Tucker comes in for Damous Anderson
  :55 84     Bains hits a three from the top from Powell
  :41     55    A.Dixon is fouled by Bains (2p10t) - Dixon makes, misses the FTs
             Shyatt comes in for Bains
  :39           Tucker is fouled by Nagys (1p11t) - Tucker misses both FTs
  :34     58    Mathis makes a driving layup - fouled by Hotlt (1p12t) - Mathis makes the FT

FINAL SCORE: Clemson 84, Florida State 58

Clemson is now 9-15 (3-8 in the ACC) and they travels to Virginia on Tuesday, Feb. 15th

Florida State is now 9-12 (4-6 in the ACC) and they travel to Duke on Wednesday, Feb. 16th
