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COMPLIANCE NEWSLETTER Vol. 4 No. 5 February 2002


Vol. 4 No. 5 February 2002





Congratulations to Eric and Angela Baumgartner. Evan Michaeland Mackenzie Clare were born on January 10, 2002. Eric joins EddieCaravacho, Karen Weatherington in the “I got four hours of sleeplast night” club.



NCAA Coaches Certification Test is Monday, April 29. FREEZEYOUR CALENDARS – BE THERE!



NCAA Athletics Certification! Peer-review team visit is March11-14.



Orange Tiger Paw applications are available for all prospectswho have signed a NLI for next year.



FRESHMAN ADMISSION STANDARDS: as a result of the recent NCAAself-study, any incoming freshman whose predictedgrade-point-average is below 2.0 must be approved by the athleticsadmissions review committee. Predicted GPA is computed by highschool rank and test score. See compliance services forcomputations on your NLI signees.




NCAA Council approved the implementation of a fine structurefor secondary infractions. Also, restructured penalties for usingan ineligible player in individual sports – their point totalsremoved but not necessarily a team forfeiture.



Council issued an official interpretation that allows schoolsto provide gifts or benefits to a disabled person who isprospect-aged, provided they are not related to a prospect beingrecruited by the school.



Beginning April 1, 2002 men’s and women’s basketball restrictedcoaches may recruit off-campus.



Confirmed that in volleyball, men’s and women’s soccer astudent-athlete (redshirt) may compete in the non-championshipsegment provided they were eligible during the championshipsegment.



Council approved men’s basketball providing official visits tojuniors, effective April 1, 2002.





Student-athlete was allowed to participate in organizedpractice before signing the NCAA Drug-Testing Consent Form.Problem? Got to sign that form first.



On an official visit, relative of coaching staff member waspresent at an off-campus meal. Problem? Onlyspouses may participate in meals for prospects who are on anofficial visit.



Sports information office posted updated information on theathletics department website about a prospect’s recentachievements. Prospect had signed a NLI with the school earlier.Problem? A school may reissue an old press releaseabout a prospect, but may not give new information. [Bylaw13.]



Assistant football coach and head baseball coach eachtelephoned a prospect during same one-week period.Problem? Prospects may receive only one telephonecall per week for recruiting purposes from a school. [Bylaw13.1.3.1]



Assistant basketball coach visited prospect’s high school twicein one week. First time the prospect was absent. When the coachreturned the next day, she spoke with prospect.Problem? Football and basketball may visit highschool campus only once a week. [Bylaw]



Coach had contact with a prospect who was a non-qualifier inhis first year at a two-year college. Contact occurred during onunofficial visit. Problem? Coaches may not havecontact on- or off-campus with a prospect who was a non-qualifier.[Bylaw]



Softball staff included toll-free number on a camp brochurethat was sent to high school for distribution.Problem? Prospects may not use toll-free numberuntil after July 1 following junior year. Coaches reportedreceiving calls from impermissible callers. [Bylaw]




Is it permissible for an IPTAY chapter to provide expenses foran enrolled student-athlete to attend a meeting?



Yes, provided the student-athlete participates in the program.



Is it permissible for a prospect-aged friend to accompany aprospect on an official visit?






Is it permissible for student-athletes who have exhaustedeligibility to train with their teams?


A. No. Former student-athletes may be used as undergraduate coaches, but they may not continue to train as though they were preparing for competition.
