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Clemson Receives Exemplary Sportsmanship Recognition Award

Oct. 20, 2006

CLEMSON, SC – Clemson’s commitment to sportsmanship recently gained national attention when the Solid Orange: It’s About Pride initiative and campus-wide sportsmanship task force received the “Exemplary Sportsmanship Recognition” award, as given by the Division 1-A Athletic Director’s Association. Clemson was one of five universities, out of 117 Division 1-A institutions, to receive the award, which is in its inaugural year.

“Truly, this is a distinct honor that everyone can feel they have contributed toward and take pride in Clemson’s recognition of this award,” said Athletic Director Terry Don Phillips.

The Division 1-A Athletic Director’s Association developed the award to “showcase institutions with effective and comprehensive sportsmanship programs.” The award “honors the collaboration of an athletics department with its university and local community” and as a result of this collaboration, the institution will “distinguish itself through sportsmanship and ethical conduct.”
