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SAAB Minutes 111504

SAAB Meeting Minutes11/15/04

I. Dinner

II. Report from Sub-committees

a. Event Committee- Nichole Carlton passed out handout for “New Plan” -educational aspect on top of Kickin It -date- April 9? b. Athletic participation Committee- Casey Phillips -list of ideas -commercial on jumbotron, handout schedule cards, tailgates at low attendance sports, e-mails and flyers, point system, t-shirts, AD semi-formal, appeal to Greeks -IPTAY representative spoke on priority points- has not worked too well in the past -idea of swap system c. Website Committee- sheet passed out with ideas -ideas to be given to Vickery web designer d. Dining Hall Service Committee- Derek Gilson -met with manager at Schiletter -idea to extend time from 4:30-7pm -need better advertisement- posters, flyers, tent cards on tables -table advertising events during event -tiger appearance, music, prizes -date? spring?-early in semester -Wed nights best -meet with workers prior to event to orient

III. Pom-pom setup for USC game

-Linda White- boxes of pom-poms need to be passes out at USC game Sat. morning -took names of volunteering teams -will count as community service

IV. Any New Items/News (Open-floor)

a. From Administration b. From Members/Teams -Scooter problem in front of Jervey and Vickery -Dwight Rainey following up on issue -tension with swimmers and Fike staff -coaches see it as complaints -swimmers sending concerns to Dwight Rainey c. For ACC Rep

V. Dismiss


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Community Service Project  Tigers help feed the hungry.

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Code of Conduct  For Clemson student-athletes

Subcommittees  SAAC’s primary areas of interest
