To assist you in making your giving decision and how to make your request for the IPTAY 2022 year in relation to football parking assignments, we have listed a few bullet points below.
- Please review the interactive football parking map
The map can be segmented by each giving level to review which parking lot/space options will be available for you to request on your application.
The giving levels on this map reflect the minimum to be eligible for the lot. These are not guarantees; however, it is a good resource to utilize when you are deciding which lots to request on your application
- It is also of the utmost importance to consider your 2nd and 3rd parking requests.
- As our staff makes these assignments, we want to assign you to a location that you request which is only possible if we have multiple choices if the first option is unavailable when your membership comes up for assignment.
- Help us, help you. Be specific in your request. See examples below.
(1) I want to be next to my brother John Smith (IPTAY #1234) because we share tailgating equipment
(2) I want to be in Lot 12 because it is on the Greenville/Anderson side to get home quicker
Additionally, if you have any questions as you work through the renewal process, please do not hesitate to reach out to our office.